then thanks to the complicated activities required to put up such an ambitious blog, i gave it up and ended up not writing at all.. i SUCK..
ok enough self deprecation..
the years changed.
Have you noticed?
it was quite an experience.. This New years was nice.. i was in Egypt on a nile cruise when we rang in the new year.. the food was good so basically that was the deciding factor for me. We had the standard whirling dervish show and a bit more.. there was confetti and party hats and 20 children running about in gay abandon.. it was interesting..
Egypt was nice.. it was like ... a really hazy version of Karachi. I slept alot. On the entire trip. I get motion sickness if im in a car alot and well.. we were in coasters.. like.. ALOT!.. so i just used to pop off everytime i hit the seat, sofa, sidewalk, hard rock cafe... you name it and i've dozed off there.. suffice it to say, Egypt was a surreal experience.. :)

Sunset@the Citadel, Cairo, Egypt, 1st Jan 2005 © Fariha Shah 2005

There was ofcourse the overwhelming awe of the Pyramids.. lol.. and well lets just say it was pretty neat. We walked all the way down into one... causing our unexercised muscles to groan with the strain.. and took a look around. We climbed down into the smallest one that was open that day.. the pyramid of M.. something.. cant remember the name.. :)

The Sphinx, Cairo, Egypt, 31st Jan 2005 © Fariha Shah 2005

The best part was buying the khartoosh from Khan-el-Khalili.. we actually found a khartoosh factory and they made us all our khartooshes in 20 minutes.. considering thats exactly how long we had before the bus left us, it was a God send :) a khartoosh btw is a gold or silver tablet with your name written on it in egyptian heiroglyphics... also found a nice stone carving and a (ofcourse) papyrus print i liked..
That was it. Minimal shopping. Which is probably why this trip didnt leave too much of an impact. The eating was regimented except for when me and my friend raided the executive floor lounge.. they had a great high tea at 4pm.. and we were perpetually hungry :)
New Years was the funniest.. us young 'uns decided to party hearty after the nile cruise was over coz you know.. it was new years and all.. so we trooped off to the Hard Rock Cafe.. all 5 of us :).. and well i was so damn tired.. that in between the very very loud rock concert that was happening all around us, i settled my head back and dropped off to sleep hehehe... :) i couldnt help it yaar.. i need my sleep..
and from then onwards, i've had everyone come over look at me rather quizzically and state.. "suna hai aap so gaein thee".. lol.. yeah.. its called jetlag.. granted the time difference was only 3 hours but still.. when it was 3am there, it was 6am at home.. i'd been up the whole night you know.. Us growing children need their sleep..
lol.. Anyway.. it was a good lot of fun..
The breakfast at the hotel was niiiice.. there were pancakes and waffles and french toast and lots of other nice goodies which i was very attentive to..
and then we all trooped back.. :) so that was New Years..
My life in general is on a roller coaster ride.. in between work and home... karachi & lahore.. its just a whirlwind.. i think the frequency of air travel is permanently affecting my hearing.. i need a full physical.. its so damn cold here and my beds so nice and warm, i have issues dragging myself out of it in the mornings..
My nights begin at 10pm.. the minute i hit the bed i'm out..
Life wasnt always so focused. There was more happening on the periphery once upon a time. Now its just... happening all around me and like the Cairo trip, i seem to be sleeping through it.. sometimes it hits me, how fast life is moving on.. how i dont seem to be a part of it.. its a bit crazy.
But you know what.. sometimes.. when my feet are warm.. :) i'm happy.. the world is nice.. and life is good..
I guess thats as simple as it gets..
Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
Copyright © Fars - FS 2004