Thursday, March 09, 2006

lifes on a tangent

why do we find it necessary to coin these funny subjects for all our posts..
Is it some misbegotten notion that people will be more inclined to reading it then. that IS misbegotten...
i just signed into flickr after a long time and found a bunch of comments on my pictures.. interesting.. photos are like poetry without words.. i think photos are more fun because people can carry their own interpretations rather than having ours imposed on them...
however, i do believe that photos must have a subject... they must have a statement attached otherwise they become mute.. and can be pushed around. thats not nice..
so i went and shopped around a bit on flickr myself... then i played around with msn spaces trying to utilize its true potential.. however i realized that nothing can replace blogspot and became slightly sad for all the pakistani bloggers that have been cut off from blogspot for hopefully a small duration..
so thats that... i go home now.. :)
Princess of the Gemworld

Yahoo! Mail
Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Its one of those days

Its funny. i want to write in plain text and i cant find the button on yahoo mail. there seems to be no going back somehow to the old format. which is a great analogy for life. Theres no going back.
sometimes i wonder if we had that opportunity what would happen. i think every one would just go back to the childhood days and refuse to budge. thats the best of times. sigh.... it makes you wonder in retrospect what sadistic impulse may have swayed our lord almighty to give us the best in the beginning saving all the less than best stuff for later. and then to top it all off with a huge dollop of irony our lord made man coin the phrase "the best is yet to come".... yeah in which time zone...
Anyway the crux of the matter lies in the fact that man is an unhappy animal by nature... while woman is the happy one.. lol :) heheheh... i had to say that.. its women's day today apparently. nice. we get a whole day to ourselves. i guess that means the remaining 364 days belongs to man and other animals.. hows that for equal distribution...
i am rambling like i've never rambled before.. the uncertainty inherent in life coupled with the insecurity inherent in women is a potent combination. I'm surprised most of us manage to make it past the early teens considering how much stress we end up taking.
And now i've just been told that lunch will be late... AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH.... theres only so much torture my empty tummy can take.... aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh....
Princess of the GemWorld

Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Blogs still alive and kicking -

if anyone cares to know i'm still posting to both sites.. blogspot and msn..

blogspot -->

i dont like it one bit... not to knock msn..

the good part is atleast i can still access blogger.. dammit.. whats the world coming to ..

this is just like when they shut down local production of pirated DVDs... its a horrible debilitating feeling...

I feel like a truck just hit me.. and its not just the blogspot block. I've had a fair amount of tea today resulting in overly frequent trips tudeloo... we had strawberries for lunch. and roast beef sandwiches from CTC (Coffee Tea & Co.). i'm trying to inject some semblance of reality in my life and open my eyes to the day but somehow it's eluded me so far..

the jacket i ordered at Calzoom has probably been sold by now to someone since its been three weeks and i still havent gone to pick it up.. my things to do list is either overburdened or non-existent... a pendulum which, you will agree, is not conducive to a productive environment.

one bright spot of achievement does light up my day.. my clean clear crisply organized file cabinet. after the last day long attempt on my part to kill everything that was redundent within its 6 walls, i can happily say i won the battle.. the war shall rage on long into the night...

i seriously want to just run away to a beautiful garden with trees and green leaves and sit on the grass and just stare at the sky and be blank. i want to just think think and think about nothing.. i want to attain that peace of mind that we have as children when the stars shine bright and the clouds are the wisps of fantasies borne out of our own imaginations.

I want to go to lawrence garden or jinnah garden.... hmmm.. i have just been told lawrence garden and jinnah garden are one and same.. fine... i want to go to both...

i want to pick up my jacket.. i want to go for a run today. i want to not overeat.. i want to feel alive..

Sigh i have to leave office before i can do all those things.. i think i'll go for a cup of tea.. alone..


Princess of the GemWorld

I cant believe they blocked blogger

I just cant believe this… my outrage at being blocked is mirrored by many others in the same situation.
There are several reasons behind my outrage.
Firstly I don’t think you can shut people up by blocking, house arresting, or lathi charging.
Secondly, the mob that put Lahore to fire in the first protest has in my estimation never even seen the cartoons. Online or otherwise. Even if they did 90% of them in my estimation wouldn’t understand english to the extent that they would be able to decipher the text. That mob wasn’t even religiously motivated since they ransacked general stores to steal household supplies and tried to rob banks on their merry route to freedom of expression against freedom of expression.
Thirdly, everyone who could have seen the toons online has in my estimation already seen them by now. So blocking entire servers because of one site is a too little too late and highly ridiculous response.
While its true that the uneducated, unenlightened, narrow human minds that exist in abundance don’t need any help going further down that route. However those that do retain some sense of "theres a whole big world out there" cant be expected to just sit back and swallow drivel shelled out by controlled media. They need to explore and learn and finally reach their own conclusions.
So heres a shout out to the echelons of power… let it be…
Princess of the GemWorld