Life is funny. Just when you think you're starting to forget... you start to remember.
Stuff of days gone by... of a life well-lived. And yet in spite of all the good memories, there are little niggling threads of.. I don't know... wanting something more... like somethings left undone or unsaid.. Like a sense of being incomplete in that past moment.
Parallel lives live on in the mind. Something we all experience after watching a movie or a TV show where you invariably end up building yourself into the storyline as a silent spectator.
And everyday when I reach out and touch a new human connection, I realize that I am not unique. That there are people just like me (woo hoo) mentally and imaginatively out there that experience the same phenomenon of disengagement from their human forms as they go floating about in their parallel lives created by an overactive mind :)
I remember the Jack Lemmon Movie "Dad", where he had a whole family, farm and doting wife and kids dreamed up in golden hued glory inside his head. And I could totally relate :) so fun.
I guess its not surprise since I am a self confessed anti-reality specimen and would do practically anything to avoid it. It's not all its cracked up to be you know.
The best conversations I have are with myself. Not myself myself. But by myself. Usually I'm lecturing someone else in my imagination and there are just beautiful nuggets of philosophy spilling forth from my undiscovered intellect that I am in awe of myself. I never capture any of it. I never write it down.
I don't know why. Like its too beautiful to share. or no one would believe it emanated from myself. Either way the gems are lost in translation when I sit down to try to recapture the thoughts. Lost to me and to the rest of the world out there.
With the advent of the internet, everyone's a philosopher. Self expression is the greatest gift the internet brought to this generation. Suddenly you didn't have to be published in a paperback to be read and shared. It's a beautiful revolution. Freeing, explosive, .... exposing.
While the new generation (the one that is lets say 6 years younger than myself), has no issues spilling its guts in front of all and sundry and then waiting for feedback on their emotional verbiage, its frankly a little bit freaky for us old schoolers. We, who were taught "Silence is Gold", have a tough time dealing with the unrestrained honesty of the new kids on the block on digital mediums.
We were taught the power of silence, control and abstinence from the common evils.. like cursing in public and saying what you actually thought about another person. You had to be polite and politically correct. And frankly, there was nothing wrong with that. I tend to disagree with those that take it too far and become borderline hypocritical, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the commonplace politeness that was ingrained in all of us back in the day.
Our guy friends never cursed in front of us. My father never cursed. It was an unwritten requirement and kind of a silent respect extended. I appreciate that now when someone curses in my presence and I feel somewhat insulted in a naik-parveen-ish kind of way. And while I understand the world has changed that doesn't mean that I have, and I feel disrespected at a deep subconscious level, because that's just not the way I was brought up.
I still feel offended by public displays of affection, even though we all should be pretty numb to it by now through the TV & Movies and all the digital exposure that we have. I still skip scenes & pages in novels when things cross the line. That's just me. It's the way we were mentally programmed. And it wont change.
So I guess the trick is to stick to what you know and try to pass it on to the next generation and hope it sticks :)
I think I am seriously old-school. But I'm happy and that's all that matters. To each his own. Off to the parallel universe :)
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p GemWorld Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity
Stuff of days gone by... of a life well-lived. And yet in spite of all the good memories, there are little niggling threads of.. I don't know... wanting something more... like somethings left undone or unsaid.. Like a sense of being incomplete in that past moment.
Parallel lives live on in the mind. Something we all experience after watching a movie or a TV show where you invariably end up building yourself into the storyline as a silent spectator.
And everyday when I reach out and touch a new human connection, I realize that I am not unique. That there are people just like me (woo hoo) mentally and imaginatively out there that experience the same phenomenon of disengagement from their human forms as they go floating about in their parallel lives created by an overactive mind :)
I remember the Jack Lemmon Movie "Dad", where he had a whole family, farm and doting wife and kids dreamed up in golden hued glory inside his head. And I could totally relate :) so fun.
I guess its not surprise since I am a self confessed anti-reality specimen and would do practically anything to avoid it. It's not all its cracked up to be you know.
The best conversations I have are with myself. Not myself myself. But by myself. Usually I'm lecturing someone else in my imagination and there are just beautiful nuggets of philosophy spilling forth from my undiscovered intellect that I am in awe of myself. I never capture any of it. I never write it down.
I don't know why. Like its too beautiful to share. or no one would believe it emanated from myself. Either way the gems are lost in translation when I sit down to try to recapture the thoughts. Lost to me and to the rest of the world out there.
With the advent of the internet, everyone's a philosopher. Self expression is the greatest gift the internet brought to this generation. Suddenly you didn't have to be published in a paperback to be read and shared. It's a beautiful revolution. Freeing, explosive, .... exposing.
We were taught the power of silence, control and abstinence from the common evils.. like cursing in public and saying what you actually thought about another person. You had to be polite and politically correct. And frankly, there was nothing wrong with that. I tend to disagree with those that take it too far and become borderline hypocritical, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the commonplace politeness that was ingrained in all of us back in the day.
Our guy friends never cursed in front of us. My father never cursed. It was an unwritten requirement and kind of a silent respect extended. I appreciate that now when someone curses in my presence and I feel somewhat insulted in a naik-parveen-ish kind of way. And while I understand the world has changed that doesn't mean that I have, and I feel disrespected at a deep subconscious level, because that's just not the way I was brought up.
I still feel offended by public displays of affection, even though we all should be pretty numb to it by now through the TV & Movies and all the digital exposure that we have. I still skip scenes & pages in novels when things cross the line. That's just me. It's the way we were mentally programmed. And it wont change.
So I guess the trick is to stick to what you know and try to pass it on to the next generation and hope it sticks :)
I think I am seriously old-school. But I'm happy and that's all that matters. To each his own. Off to the parallel universe :)
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p GemWorld Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity