20th Jan 2016
... the sun was bursting out from behind the cityscape heralding the conquering of the big blue by the glowing mass of white heat. The moon making a lone stand against the solar glory, refusing to go silently into the night.
Princess of the GemWorld ... ** Wanderlust..** Fariha's Thoughts of the Day... My take on life as i grudgingly trudge through it... Milestones : Being Born, Given Name: Fariha Shah, Basic MindSet: Army Brat, AlmaMater: CBM College of Business Management, Professional Qualification: MBA, Philosophie de la vie (on good days): Life is like an icecream cone, enjoy it before it melts!, Philosophie de la vie (on bad days): Life Sucks & then you die!, Personal Conviction: Life is for the Living...
20th Jan 2016
... the sun was bursting out from behind the cityscape heralding the conquering of the big blue by the glowing mass of white heat. The moon making a lone stand against the solar glory, refusing to go silently into the night.
I take a pic a day now of the sunrise behind the burj.
Every day its a new painting by the big guy upstairs. And its beautiful no matter how u look at it.
Rainy days, cloudy days, sunny days... he's just got that special touch 😊 course it must help that his paintbrush is literally the finger of God 😊 can't beat God's own inherent talent for swirling the celestial paints into a masterpiece.
I share them daily with two of my own... its like a good morning message. 😊 its nice to feel appreciated even if i dont have anything to do with the actual creation of the masterpiece. But i stand witness to it on a daily basis. What's a thing of beauty if no one acknowledges it as such. See?! I have a purpose. I am a witness to the Almighty's artistic streak. 😊
This was today. I got up at the crack of dawn, put on my hoodie and beanie and stalked out of the house for a morning walk. The minute i walked out though, all i could think of was.... istecanat shay (chai) karak with ginger.. my throat was hurting slightly.. so i literally got around to the back street, got this shot of the dawn lit burj and then my feet simply crossed the road of their own accord and got me to my personal dhabba. 😊 it had been a while.
I bought my tea from the nice chap. Should get his name next time. Tipped. Went to the Big smoke bench (my usual morning tea haunt) and sipped away in sugar induced glee. The morning walk was long forgotten. Finished another blog and then decided that from today even if i dont write anything, i'll post the daily masterpiece. It deserves to be saved on the internet for posterity 😊 off to home now. Breakfast time.
A Bahai prayer i remember from our 1997 chicago trip:
Dear Lord, refresh and rejuvenate my spirit, purify my heart, illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in thy hand. Thou art my guide and my refuge. I shall no longer be sorrowful and grieved. I shall be a happy and joyful being. I shall no longer dwell on the unpleasant things in life, nor shall i let troubles harrass me. Dear Lord, thou art more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to thee...
Princess of the GemWorld