I think about the moment of unbeing alot. Always have. But somehow now the reality.. or the probability of it transpiring seems to be closer.
I've always been a study in extremes. Entrenched too deeply in the physical world while at the same time wandering the extreme wilds of the spiritual realm seeking the truth of human life and existence in general.
Bi-polar? Confused? I don't know. I just know that i love the me God created... even if the rest of his creations find it difficult to accept, understand or appreciate his grand logic of foisting me upon them.
Everything and everyone has a marginal utility.. otherwise you end up being a dead loss weight to society according to my 1st semester BBA economics book (There was an entire graph on this one). I may be the exception to the rule.. as there are prone to be to every rule.
I have zero utility. To anyone. That includes me. Maybe thats why i'm always happy. Why wouldn't i be? There is no reason to be or not to be so may as well be happy in the beingness.
So now as i sit here and think unbeing.. the question of being comes up and i'm fairly confident that to the world at large my being or unbeing are practically equally irrelevant.
I am however relevant to me.. and my ami abu 😊 THIS is why we have blood ties. When all is lost, you still have people who cant forget about you, even if they try!
And with the question of unbeing, comes the list of Things To Do before the unbeing occurs.. The Bucket List.
I would like to project myself as someone who is a bigger, better person than the one you think i am... but unfortunately.... you are right. I'm just me. And quite irrelevant. Even the bucket list is a bunch of silly things that for some reason became identified as milestones along the highway of life. They're not milestones. They are not inspiring. They're not even well thought through. But they are what they were 20 years ago and frankly i just stopped thinking about Things To Do Before I Die after having kids... because seriously brushing my teeth before leaving the house became an achievement after that...
Far's Bucket List (circa 1996)
1. Go to a Bonjovi concert (Done)
2. Meet Shahrukh Khan (Done)
3. Meet Brad Pitt (to be fair, this one predates his facial hair growth)
4. Go to a Bryan Adams concert (Done -Twice)
5. See Everest
6. See 5 out of the 7 continents (Done 4 - i have a mental block against frozen landmasses... somehow for me Hell would be very very cold...brrrrr)
7. Paris (Done)
8. Athens (Done - kind of.. but done)
9. Rome (will keep this till the very end)
Far's Bucket List/ How to live whats left of my life guide (revision 2016)
1. Remember to breathe
2. Find a reason to Smile everyday
3. Don't cry ...
4. Be good... atleast try 😉
5. Love.. my way.. all or nothing
6. Live.. full on.. no regrets..
7. Know when to stay .. and when to walk away.. never be dirt! (still working on this one)
8. Help ... someone.. as many times as i can.. small stuff counts..
9. No procrastination! Do everything NOW! Tomorrow never comes!
That's it.
Sweet and simple..
Now lets go get a nice cuppa tea (delivering on #2 definitely and #9 😊)
Abu used to say.. Life is simple. We complicate it.
It really is. As simple as a cup of tea and a laptop with 200 pictures needing to be filed..
Going.. going... gone!
Princess of the GemWorld