Friday, April 29, 2016


Thats what the world sounds like in my head. All buzzed together.

Sound of an airplane flying overhead. Sent me back to childhood days.. the buzz of excitement associated with airplanes. Imagining where they were going.. what that place would be like.. how cool it would be to go there too.. imagining ourselves travelling there too..

Somehow those sweet memories carry the most weight... their aroma wafts through the corridors of the past whisking in and out of the light.. fluttering softly through my thoughts.. bringing a sweet sense of comfort.. making me want to curl into a little ball and doze off into a blissful nap and wake up in the past...

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Sometimes we just find ourselves at a point where we are sitting and staring into space and can't find a single reason to do

its weird. Do u clean? Cook? Brush teeth? There's a weird buzzing in the brain which wont let me sit still yet at the same time is rendering me completely directionless.

Cardamom tea? Hmmm... maybe.. just maybe tea is the answer.. do you think?

I could try that. A little later.  Chalo.. atleast one option shortlisted. 😊

I can talk to walls. About the universe. And the galaxies. The walls are good listeners. They don't judge and they don't interrupt. They unfortunately also can't contribute. Although why one would want one's burst of brilliance to be interrupted is a question to ponder at a later stage..

I could become a monk.. take a vow of silence and thereby end all need for intellectual discourse. But then people would think my primary purpose is to listen to THEM.  I don't think that's going to be bearable in the long run.

Ok. So i don't have a solution. Who really does. May i should go exercise?!...

Heheh..  Ok i'm going to go wash my mouth out with chocolate lol..

Princess of the GemWorld

Friday, April 22, 2016


The theory of what happens when a human becomes  vampire in The Vampire Diaries, is that as a vampire all the emotions are heightened to catastrophic levels. So when u're happy.. you're ecstatic! And when u're sad..  you're suicidal!

Basically, they lose all sense of balance and become a study in extremes.. two opposing polarities forced to inhabit a singular physical form.

Hence, the concept of the humanity switch. Those vampires which have too much compassion as humans, end up getting the short end of the stick since.. well now you need to suck the life force out of someone... and it feels REALLY REALLY CATASTROPHICALLY BAD!!

So these poor oversensitive souls, with seriously low threshholds for emotional pain.... they have the option of flipping their emotional switch to off. Not feel anything anymore. Comfortably numb!

Then its all good.

I think i'm a vampire.

Friday, April 01, 2016


Sometimes, when I feel lost, I look to the skies to remind me of what I am... a speck in the universe. And then I know my place.. in the dust.
The thing to remember is.. dust is the soil that gives birth to the earth.. dust is the air that swirls up to the skies... dust is dust.
Its what you make of it that determines your fate...