Xmas days are here again... deck the halls with boughs of holly.. tra lalalalalalala.. *sing song tone
Well thats that.. it was about the same time last year that i suddenly stumbled upon the great wide world of blogging. Sheer freak accident that..
I was trying to find out how to spell
que sera sera.. and i googled it..
lo and behold there was a website by that name.. so i went to the website .. and well.. with Sarah Brown (not a distant relative to charlie brown) once you start reading you dont want to stop.. and amazingly the one post that i did find was one of the most nicest one.. she'd asked everyone who came to her blog to list down that one sentence, which if said by the right person at the right time would just make the world perfect for you.. the post was called
Longing .. the 200 comments that accompanied it were worth a read too.. and i was hooked..
after reading through two years of her life, i was inspired enough to start the shebang on my own.. so i discovered what blogging was all about.. with help from umy, my underworld friend in the depths of cyberspace, we set about exploring the myriad of ways in which you can.. ahem..
format a blog...
whaaaat! formatting is highly crucial i'll have you know.. it was a fun process..
at the end of the day, ive basically given up on making the blog look good cause seriously i just cant be bothered... i just love writing stuff on it.. even if no one comes to read it except me :)
The last month has been funny in terms of travel schedules. I've realized that if i learn the art of traveling
"light" ..(like how the hell do people do that anyway).. my life would be a little easier..
I tried it.. i hated it.. i always feel like ive left something behind when i have forced my self to proverbially travel light..
I am happy to report that my idiosyncrasies contribute greatly to lowering the stress levels in my workplace. The biggest laughs of the year can easily be attributed to my antics in and around work... the latest being a 1-day trip to dubai on which i traveled with no less than 3 peices of luggage. My darling colleagues will leave out the fact that they ended up borrowing stuff from me since they'd traveled too light for words..
*humph.. :) see see theres a method to my madness..
but it was hilarious enough for them to take pictures of the scene with their mobilephone cameras and giggle at leisure.. i however
*superior eyebrows raised look there.. had the last laugh ...
That trip was fun.. it was out of the blue.. and they didnt have our room ready at the jumeirah beach hotel so while i would have quietly stood by and let em do whatever, my colleague decided that wasnt the right approach and very politely expressed her displeasure to the management which has us being upgraded to a suite... with the
MOST amazing view of the Burj Ul Arab.. even though we'd been up half the night in trasit and were dead tired, it was still an experience to remember..
This would however be the first trip to Dubai on which i didnt find the time to have a Burger King Whopper.. i had my caramel machiato from starbucks.. but no whopper.. incredible, i know..
After that ive had these mad trips to Kuala Lampur & Bangkok.. and whats scaring me the most is that once you enter into that transit mentality, everything merges into a fuzzy picture where you dont notice any distinguishing characteristics.. and that is damn scary..
when i am in another country, i want to
KNOW that i'm in another country through all my senses.. smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing.. all of them.. and being tired because of too much airline travel deadens your senses and you stop feeling all the sensations and then a new place turns into just another place..
Thats when you start losing your sense of wonder.. a word of advice..
DONT EVER LET THAT HAPPEN.. once it happens, its very difficult to shake it off.. no matter how tired you are.. or how long you've traveled to get somewhere, before you leave the airport, wash your face, brush your teeth, open up your ears.. and
THEN step out into the atmosphere and really soak it in..
This advice is easy to dispense.. its hard to live upto..
:) anyway cheers to all.. its truly winter season here.. life is good.. lets see what happens next..
I started writing this post with the thought that i'd share what had transpired on my last few mad trips which has had me spending more time in airports then on ground.. but i suddenly got sidetracked and now i've lost my train of thought..
take care all
Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
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