Friday, August 09, 2019


It's true what they say.. everyone has a muse.

Your muse is not necessarily a person. It can literally be anything that inspires your inner soul. An entity, an emotion.. a place.

I think my muse is my room :) I haven't had the urge to write on GemWorld for a long time. But just now, sitting on my bed, in my room, with the familiar cloudy skies poised to burst forth with their rainy treasures.. I just felt like letting loose.

I don't miss the old days. I used to think that I would. Terribly. But I don't. I cherish them. And every moment that I have lived from my birth till now. As far as memory serves, there have been very few moments in my life that I would want to erase from my timeline. They are far and few and looking at the world around me at present, I know we have been blessed a million times over by the Almighty. There isn't enough thanks that I could give for all the blessings and the protection thus far.

The world is on the brink of an annihilation of epic proportions. If a subcontinental war ensues, it will spell the end of the planet. Nuclear power in the hands of the emotionally driven is a recipe for disaster. Yet the pseudo powers, that think they control the world, are lost in their own reveries of global dominance and greater arms sales. Who will they sell to when the world is gone?

There is a TedEx Video from renowned atmospheric scientist Brian Toon that captures the finality of this encounter vividly.

Brian Toon - TedEx

It's a graphic and deeply unsettling description of what would happen in the fall out of a nuclear encounter in the Subcontinent. The fall out will be massive and all encompassing for the whole planet and in 60 days the world would run out of food.

We, the rather sorry, misinformed, unfortunately unaware, decidedly stupid, human race have now crawled in to a hole so deep that one hand is not aware of what the other hand is doing. Politicians and Capitalists are solely focused on increasing personal wealth and power. They will have fun with it in hell.. and it's coming.

May the Almighty have mercy on our souls and give us a chance to redeem ourselves.


***************************************************** I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p GemWorld Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity

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