Friday, February 20, 2004

So heres the deal...

Life moves on... times change... People forget you... and one day you call and a familiar voice refuses to recognize you for the first five seconds of the conversation... and maybe in hindsight you would think that you were making a mountain out of a molehill but when you remember the heartrending tears you shed when you were saying goodbye to all that was familiar.. all that was literally a second home because thats where and who you spend half you life with... those first five seconds are true pain...

In case you havent experienced this yet... this phenomenon is known as teething on the job... this is the part where your milk teeth are falling out and the new ones are coming out.. its also known as moving on from the first job you ever held.. and held for a good long time.. and grew to love the people you saw every day.. from the guy who made your tea and you could trust with your cash to deposit in the bank.. to the guyz in the sales room who could always be counted on to get pakoras on a cloudy day... to the guys in accounts who were mean and nice all at once.. to the people all around you... to the friendships you made.. to the weddings and the dinners and the office functions where everyone introduced you to their families and everyone told you how much they'd heard about you..
All the love and the respect... the trust and the confidence... oh God im going to cry again...
You learn to love the bumpy one hour transit to and from work everyday... you learn to appreciate the fact that you see parts of the city that you would never have seen had you not worked in this place... you learn to experience your city from the eyes of all the lovely people you work with every day and all the stories come together to give a complete picture of a world you only thought you knew..
You learn to be less afraid.. as you grow to be more familiar with the city you thought existed only by the sea...

You learn to fix things when they go wrong... to speak up for whats right... to give your point of view when it counts...
You learn so much...
Last year was a lot of goodbyes... alot of good people.. alot of good friends... too many good byes..
You never think its your turn... mostly because you never think you'll ever be good enough... or any other place will want you enough to be able to make you want to move... and the people.. the heart of gold people that you know deep in your heart you will never find anywhere else...

But thats only so true. You wont find the same people... but you will find people like them.. and they will be as nice as you are to them.. Life is a continuous path of evolution and change...
Allah mian makes it as easy and as difficult as you perceive it to be... As my friend my chota sales kid keeps saying "tension lenay ka nahin, denay ka hota hai" :) Thats the attitude... its rare that i've seen him not smile.. its rare that i've known anyone with as big a heart... the child spends every penny he earns every month and then charges up his illegally obtained credit card with money because random friends he's made need funds to tide them over... much as i scream at him to develop some common sense, i applaud his sense of generosity and total devil-may-care-and-God-will-provide attitude.. I'm going to miss him the most...

i'm going to go before i start bawling again...
I HATE goodbyes... i'd rather be dead... right this minute... life is for the living.. thats what i always say.. and i think i'd have no regrets if i had to turn in my living rights now and lie down to blissful (hopefully)sleep till judgement day... i hate the pain of goodbyes...

Au Revoir my friends... God willing we'll meet again

Princess of the GemWorld

I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p

Copyright © Fars - FS 2004

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