ok i wrote this like three weeks ago. and now its three weeks later.. but basically the story sounds the same..
1st Aug 2006 - Tuesday
hello world.. i am me.
Today karachi is flooded. actually its started getting flooded from saturday onwards.. which is around the time i left the country... and the two days i was gone apparently karachi decided to disappear under the raging seas like Atlantis.. or in this case the monsoon rains..
i watched this silly Amanda Bynes movie called Lovewrecked.. i have still retained the ability to actually enjoy mindless romantic comedies even if they have no head or tail.. thank god for small mercies..
i had pasta (spinach & cheese ravioli with bolognaise sauce) and minestrone soup at Bella Donna at Mercato. its one of my favorite dinner places.. the foods very nice but the service could use some help.. on the way back ....
18th Aug 2006 - Thursday
18th Aug 2006 - Thursday
Many people will remember this as the day karachi was swept away.. people were stranded for hours.. hours and hours and hours.. more than 80mm of rain flooded the streets of karachi.. cars swimmed.. traffic jammed and life came to a standstill.. for 14 unfortunate people.. permanently.
120mm of rain in lslamabad and the city doesnt even blink.. less than that in khi is enough to shut the citty down..
im in lahore right now.. im supposed to fly back tomorrow night.. i WAS supposed to fly back tonight.. but thankfully that plan changed.. but its unbelievable.
the entire city is dug up as it and now it'll just be big holes filled with water. sighhhh...
i went and bought slippers yesterday from Liberty.. lots of pairs of sparkly sitaroun wali slippers.. how will i wear then if the entire city is flooded.. ok bad pet peeve.. but there you have it.
also bought two very very nice and very very fresh looking swiss voile shirt pieces and lovely laces to go with them.. and i am seriously tempted to go back tomorrow and buy one more which i really liked.
i am pretty sure my tailor will not be able to come to work after the rains for atleast a week. even then trying to get into kehkeshan centre is a task and a half.. i seriously need knee high galoshes for karachi these days.. and i dont know where to find them..
my friend anie's been on my case to write her a testimonial on orkut.. i havent had time to think really so thats why i havent gotten around to it. i like her.. shes funny.
theres so much work to be done all the time. i spoke to a friend of mine recently on whom life had really let loose.. personal & professional upheavals happening continuously unabated for a bloody long stretch.. its enough to make some one black out... i can take one stress inducing factor at a time. it takes too bloody long for me to sort things out in my head..
like right now my laptops battery is about to start announcing that its dying and i know that its going to happen.. but i dont want it too and somehow i feel that it lies about the time thats left.. like it say 26 minutes but it'll actually die in about 7.. its irritating. you dont expect your hardware to lie to you.
i have alot of presentations to make. i dont like presentations anymore. i dont know what i like anymore. i like shopping. me n anie went to zouk yesterday. she had soup, i had mushrooms, we both shared a farfalle shrimp salad. and a couple of cool passions. i like zouk, but i only like the Seafood chowder. no other soup will do.
i keep thinking of abu.. on planes.. in cars... at night.. in the morning... i keep thinking and remembering.. when im away from karachi he seems more alive.. every time i land at karachi airport, when i start reaching the exit doors at the arrivals hall, my eyes start searching for him.. yearning to see his face standing patiently outside the doors.. my steps slow down, unwilling to cross that barrier and face the reality that he wont be standing outside those doors.. i step out forcing myself not to scan the crowds still searching for his presence.. usually the avis guy steps out of the shadows by this time and i just handover the laptop and start walking to the car..
its a painful homecoming each time.. takes the whole ride home for the feeling of irreparable loss to subside to a tolerant level..
been trying to call my hubby.. but its 1am and he's dropped off to sleep.. i should too.. its a long long day tomorrow. not sure how its going to play out considering karachi's flooded i had serious work that needed to take place between today and tomorrow. lord help us.
i saw Lindsey Lohans Just my Luck. cute.. teenage romantic comedy flicks are my favorite. they're no brainers. they take nothing away from you and just give away a fluffy happy feeling at the end of it all. why cant life always be like that.. i'm not one for experiencing all the joys and sorrows of the world.. i'll take the fluffy happiness anyday of the week with or without the candy floss..
i love CTC.. that coffee tea & company.. not only do they have the BEST spring rolls (which are ALWAYS sold out).. they are also 24 hrs.. in the process of opening a restaurant... have the ONLY good iced teas served in Pakistan.. and their banana nut muffins are to die for.. love them.. i LOVE CTC.. thats one of the major things i miss about lahore.. actually if they ever came to karachi, it wouldnt be the same cause for me Lahore is all about Liberty dupatta gali great shoes and CTC.. i LOVE CTC... (they should really pay me for all this free publicity).
i find myself yearning to fix people up or to force them to realize that true happiness is an elusive pursuit and they must put their best foot forward if any prospects are available that may result in the attainment of said pursuit. somehow most people dont appreciate my doomsday scenario tactics.. especially the part where i use negative reinforcement by stating "and you'll be 30 (or 40 depending on the specimen) soon.. and the clock is ticking".. males and females alike are starting to shun my company since its the only thing i keep bugging them about and im not very subtle about it.
its my most deepest heartfelt desire to fix up two nice people. there are very few nice people in the world. very few nice girls and even fewer nice guyz.. i want to bring them all together.. considering i dont know that many nice girls and guyz, you'd think this would be a piece of cake.. i mean if they are all that doggone nice, they will either just listen to me out of pure niceness and follow all my instructions regarding life and how it should be lived... but unfortunately thats NOT what actually transpires.. the actual play by play includes ego trips, pride attacks, overanalysis and the worst .. "FEAR of Failure.. "
those who dont dare.. DONT!
thats the truth in this matter.. i'll be very honest on that count.
my husband dared and hence i'm married..
if he'd been a wus.. i wud've been pushing 40 and still wouldnt have found a realistic match..
my husband dared and hence i'm married..
if he'd been a wus.. i wud've been pushing 40 and still wouldnt have found a realistic match..
I know God has a plan.. and that was my motto till the day i tied the knot..
now i believe that God want us to make an effort towards achieving the end like Abu used to say.
thats the lecture i give and it makes me very happy when it has an effect.
i get depressed when it doesnt.. its like watching a good muffin go to waste... sacrilege!
now i believe that God want us to make an effort towards achieving the end like Abu used to say.
thats the lecture i give and it makes me very happy when it has an effect.
i get depressed when it doesnt.. its like watching a good muffin go to waste... sacrilege!
ok i'm going to sleep now.. i'll see you guyz later.. :)
Princess of the GemWorld
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