Just landed in the US. Johannesburg was pretty. All green green with sloping landscapes, slightly dull blue skies.. a couple of days were overcast but natures vibrations could be clearly felt throughout the land from the elephants on the open range to the earth worms on my bathtub. Yes, i also have no clue how they got there.
But it was a once in a lifetime experience and i am thankful to Allah mian that he let me experience it. although i feel the natural beauty in Nairobi would be far more raw than SA which is far more developed in comparison. But it was nice and our people were also nice.
ive been on planes for more than 24 hours now. seven and a half hours from joberg to dxb.. 4 hours in transit and another 17 hours to JFK. once we landed theres an additional check which is done which took another two hours post immigration in which we were asked exactly the same questions as on the immigration counter. but it was a slightly more detailed data entry protocol. Once through with that i walked out and located the emirates chauffer drive service. this was around 430pm.. i'd landed at 230pm.The funny part was it was already sunset time. and there was a definitive chill in the air.
The good part is that im packed for the chill :) the bad part is i didnt know the days were quite this short. :) oh well. The sales have also apparently started so maybe tomorrow we go shopping. The only thing is i swore i wouldnt buy anything this time :) heheh.. so im going to have to exercise some serious self control.
i kinda fell asleep as soon as i got home at around 530pm.. then i got up at 11pm and had a nice nice bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios :).. i felt like i was seven again :) theres nothing quite like cereal to get nostalgia going :)
Now im sitting here going through a multitude of emails. Thank goodness my cousins have wireless internet :) Its dark outside. I know it must be cold. im looking forward to the morning. im also looking forward to a hot bath and washing my hair after 24 hours of airline containment. :) im also looking forward to regaining bowel movement post planting my feet on the ground :)
So thats that. i think i want more cheerios. Afterall it noon back home.. must have lunch.. :)
Princess of the GemWorld
GoogleName: GemWorld Fars
Blogspot: http://gemworld.blogspot.com
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