Eid time... 25th October 2006
its eid time. we're not celebrating. but i still asked ami to make qeema sawaiyan.. i like those.. i eat them allll day... :)..
Uzmchi, shahcha, hamid and sidra are here for eid.. its going to be so great having them here. it gives everyone an excuse to get together every day cause we have visitors from afar... like the olden days when you had to travel days to get from one village to the next.
we're going to go to sunday bazaar and take uzmchi so she can browse old books.
its eid time. we're not celebrating. but i still asked ami to make qeema sawaiyan.. i like those.. i eat them allll day... :)..
Uzmchi, shahcha, hamid and sidra are here for eid.. its going to be so great having them here. it gives everyone an excuse to get together every day cause we have visitors from afar... like the olden days when you had to travel days to get from one village to the next.
we're going to go to sunday bazaar and take uzmchi so she can browse old books.
Post Eid Time ... 31st October 2006
i seriously took my time didnt i :) yup.. eid was nice. the whole family came over for lunch one day and all the men spent the entire day watching cricket. people kept visiting us the next day as well and generally ensured that the house wasnt empty even for a little while. it was wonderful..
i seriously took my time didnt i :) yup.. eid was nice. the whole family came over for lunch one day and all the men spent the entire day watching cricket. people kept visiting us the next day as well and generally ensured that the house wasnt empty even for a little while. it was wonderful..
my life is moving slowly.. i can hear the rickshaws outside on the streets of Lahore. it gives me a warm feeling inside.. generally because its cold inside the office :) i love the warm feeling. we're going to start getting alot of that now since the weather in Lahore is turning chilly. I slept really really well yesterday. i dont understand it. i sleep sooo bloody well in Lahore, its not even funny. i dont know if its the bed or the weather or the fact that me and funanie went to zouk and had mushrooms and soup and salad and felt very healthy afterwards.. i dont know. i just sleep really well in Lahore. mashallah..
maybe its the novelty of a different geographic space.
Office was good... went around saying Eid mubarak to everyone yesterday. and today :). funanie was off to the site so didnt see her all day today.. but managed to get alot done. so im happy.
i find myself at a loss for words each time i sit in front of the screen. somehow i dont seem to have much left to say. i have a lot to thank Allah Mian for. my family mashallah.. my friends.. my workplace.. my life in general..
Granted there are somethings i would changed.. like Abu not being here.. like some logistical difficulties.. like my mum missing abu soo very much all the time...
but i know that when Allah Mian sends trial, he also inshallah sends strength..
thats what im counting on .. lots of strength and rehmat and panah from all evil for all my loved ones and myself.. i thank him all the time for all the people in my life at home and work that i can turn to in times of confusion and when i just need to vent and talk..
Thank good for good people..
Princess of the GemWorld
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