things to happen in a certain way. that certain way spells happiness for me. when
i face impediments in the way, especially unexpected ones, it disturbs me.. shakes up
my dreams and makes me unhappy.
im not a happy person when im unhappy. its an un-natural state for me. conversely
its the only state in which i feel like writing. the weather seems to reflect my
mood. they've got the Hudson on a tornado watch from 2:30pm to 6pm. the clouds are
rolling in.
the day was beautiful in the morning. perfect temperature with lots of breeze and
rustling leaves.. its 3:28pm right now and we can hear the thunder roll in the
distance as the sky gets darker and darker..
we did alot of cooking today. me and khals made mixed veggies with loads of masala
that we found in the freezer.. we made qeema with shimlay ki mirch.. we plonked in
Rivaj ka karahi gosht masala that we found in the freezer :) and then added
tomatoes and lemon pepper and salt.. and we made boneless chicken with corn in
Rivaj shahi korma masala with dahi and tomatoes and lots of other stuff and it all
turned out deliciously. frozen most of it and the some we will have tonight for
i dont get that hungry here. i have to remind myself to continue drinking water
because its not hot most days and you dont get that hungry. must be careful though
on the water front. since the morning ive had a bowl of cereal at 11am when i woke
up and thats it. then i had some almonds just now.
the wind picked up and blasted across the back lawn that faces the river.. we ran
and closed all the windows. the rain came down like sheets for about 5 minutes and
now its slowed down to a drizzle. Thank God.. its a good sign and maybe the
tornado is not a problem anymore.
Khals is playing with itty bitty Aliya now.. shes adorable. very peaceful baby.
only yells when shes hungry and then she just wants to lie down and sleep. shes
started opening her eyes and staring at everyone now.. she has beautiful sleet
grayish bluish eyes right now. Asi's hoping she gets her dads green eyes :)
on Monday me and khals went to Manhattan. My first excursion beyond briarcliff
since i got here. it was niiice. we went shopping to the Nokia store and then i
went to Serendipity3 and had their Frrozen Hot Chocolate. i was expecting some
magical concoction of Hot and Cold all at the same time.. thinking back to 1984 i
remember once Asi's chacha took us for Hot Fudge Sundaes and that was amazing..
Hot fudge and cold icecream.. this wasnt the same. this was actually frozen hot
chocolate with a huge dollop of whipped cream on the top. But hey i had their
famous patented desert, and the best part was i got a table immediately since i was just one person and there wasnt that much of a rush. :) yippee.. you can see a picture of the famous desert over here . it spans the SEDIP of the over all wordart :)
Anyway after that we went towards Grand Central again.. i'd already had my kosher hot dog of the day.. and we found halal chicken with rice and had that at the GCT. it was interesting. i felt the chicken should have been cleaned more.. but thats my mums legacy:). i brought the remainder home and cleaned it and kept it for a future sandwich.. which i have yet to make. its 4:19pm and i still havent eaten anything since breakfast. i think its the plethora of choices that makes one ambivalent.
i think about abu alot. i always have. i dont i will ever stop. hes always a flickr of a thought away. i had the most honorable wonderful loving man to call my father.. i am my fathers daughter and my fathers son. his legacy will not die with me.. it will continue through my children. they will carry his stamp and they will remember his goodness and learn to instill that in themselves. i know hes watching over us and especially me. i know how much he loves me. i hope Allah mian is keeping him busy in heaven making improvements to everything.. thats what abu loved doing.. continuous improvement of everything around him from the system of governance to the small things around the house to my marketing strategies :)
i love him. i miss him. i will never stop remembering him. and my children will know who their nana was and why he was so wonderful. his legacy will continue..
soft and steady rain now... i love rain.. i love cloudy days.. i love life.. i will fight to live it in the best way possible. I pray to Allah mian to protect my loved ones and all our homes and children.. let us all be blessed..
Princess of the GemWorld
GoogleName: Fariha GemWorld
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