KHi is fine. in my estimation its still cold. im trying to be regular in my aerobic classes. run into soofia there sometimes. it'll take me atleast 10 years before i can even dream of being that fit.
i keep looking forward to piping hot water in the shower. when i go to LHR i usually loose all interest in showering at all. too damn cold. its a good thing most of trips one day trips. ive been eating smoked chicken and smoked cheese that i had brought over for me from dubai. i have a sandwich of that every day, twice a day. other wise i just had a bun kabab.. well half a bun kabab that my receptionist had bought for lunch. he had an extra one. :)
i went to sunday bazaar this sunday and bought two chicken suits, peach and pink. i called sara if she wanted to come but her cute little one had the flu systems so she was tending to him. so i went home to amis, had qeema sawaiyaan and then went to sunday bazaar with them. i had a plate of dahi bara with aaloo and chutney yumm.. i find myself craving dahi bara aaloo papri chat all the time. the other day i went to aerobics and on the way back i made faisal stop at chatkharey and i had that.
my legal troubles are in full swing. ive sent all the paperwork and am following up diligently with both citibank and union which is now standard chartered. geez. lets see if they end up taking me to court over this. life can only get so interesting yes.
i hate credit card companies. but i so far like Alfalah. They have been very good to me so far and their service is very good.
still doing the regular DHA & DAD works follow ups. Its a good thing i have a job and am not strapped for cash to put food on the table everyday. otherwise legal process takes a lifetime.
sigh sigh.. i like cold weather but somehow im feeling colder than usual these days and thats not fun.
ok.. catch you guyz later. ive lost interest and have nothing more to say.
Princess of the GemWorld
GoogleName: GemWorld Fars
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