My dad always used to say "work never ends, you have to have the self discipline to put it aside for the day and focus on your family".
he was right. no matter how much you do.. it NEVER ends.. i can make calls and send emails from morn till night and even into the middle of the night (which i have done) but it still goes on.
sigh sigh sigh :) what to do..
And I'm hungry again. Can you imagine.. I'm always hungry.. these days I was trying to do this low carb diet regime which essentially involves getting rid of rice and roti.. apart from that I can have everything.. and no refined carbs .. so no pasta and white bread also.. I love Nandos because of that.. I eat as many peri bites as I can and now that they've launched their steak thingy, I love it even more.. didn't like having to handle all the bones in the chicken..
And the new love of my life is hummous.. I LOVE hommous.. I go to BBQ 2nite and I order hummous without any olive oil and cucumber and lettuce leaves and I eat and eat and eat.. and I love the white chicken karahi as I mentioned earlier..
I have always been very food centric :) cant help it .. small joys :)
I wanted to see Enchanted and National Treasure Book of Secrets.. but apparently if a movie is on at the Cineplex, they don't release it on DVD here.. that was funny :( I'm not happy about that.. I really wanted to see a good romantic comedy and Enchanted not only has McDreamy in it, its also got James Marsden who I adore.. :)
Ok.. me off now.. let me think of what to eat next
Princess of the Gemworld
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