Well here I am in cloudy Lahore. Not that Karachi was bad. It was also beautifully cloudy and lovely. Fun fun. Not so much for the people whose homes are on streets that got flooded but otherwise fun fun. Love a good rain. Most people don't. Anyway my wee widdle fwiend fati came back from Singapore and I got too see her and she got to meet raiyna and fais and we had a chocolate volcano at Kahva and their very nice club & grilled chicken sandwiches. Lovely… and then we came home and she saw my albums and we had dinner with her brother who is newly relocated to KHI and it was very nice.. white chicken karahi from BBQ 2nite which I love and which fati also loved so we were happy campers. Then she left for isloo and left behind three delumscious pieces of the chocolatiest cake from Expresso which I had yesterday with my tea and it was loverly and choto also loved it and rubbed her cake smeared face all over ami's sofa cushions.. (note to self: never feed choto cake at anyone else's house).. that child is a walking talking food dropper.. Anyway, the rain was nice. And now in Lahore the weathers quite nice. We just had lemon tarts and spring rolls from CTC (Coffee Tea & Co.). The spring rolls were not the same quality. I must sms them to let them know that they are slipping. Not good. Even their blueberry pancakes with whipped cream weren't as nice last time. Hmmm… they must concentrate on maintaining their quality considering the prices they charge. I left choto's shoes at home this morning. I'll have to go to bubble gummers and buy choto some shoes. Otherwise she will be roaming around barefeet for the next three days.. not good :) thats all folks cheerios Princess of the GemWorld GoogleName: Fariha GemWorld Blogspot: http://gemworld.blogspot.com MSN Space: http://gemworldfars.spaces.live.com/ |
Princess of the GemWorld ... ** Wanderlust..** Fariha's Thoughts of the Day... My take on life as i grudgingly trudge through it... Milestones : Being Born, Given Name: Fariha Shah, Basic MindSet: Army Brat, AlmaMater: CBM College of Business Management, Professional Qualification: MBA, Philosophie de la vie (on good days): Life is like an icecream cone, enjoy it before it melts!, Philosophie de la vie (on bad days): Life Sucks & then you die!, Personal Conviction: Life is for the Living...