ive lost my ability to express myself. i think. i used to be quite coherent. i think i should go back to the paper and pen diary so i feel more secure in my self expression. its funny how we all want to be heard and recognized and yet still keep so much of ourselves to ourselves. the fine line is easily blurred.
so i catch up on the trends albiet a little late :) i watched Twilight. it was neat. then i went to the stephaniemeyer.com site and read the draft of Midnight Sun which i hope she finishes soon. it was a good read. then i wasnt sure if the books would be selling here, so i googled and googled till i found a good samaritan who had uploaded the PDFs to all four. Downloaded those. Read through them over the next 3 days. Post that i wanted to compare Twilight with Midnight Sun (soo much better than Twilight - or maybe thats because Edward thinks alot more so you get way more information about him and every one else when you're in his mind). so i did a parallel reading run where i read one chapter of Midnight Sun and then the same chapter in Twilight. when the MS draft finished i just read Twilight to the end. obviously there was the latent interest in the YouTube clips, the articles & photos. But after a week of Twilight Mania, I think I am finally ready to move on. As it is Twilight/Midnight Sun was my favorite book of the series. I dont like triangles. i prefer my romances to contain their complications and their triumphs within the dominion of the two main characters. beyond that it just gets messy.
Anyway, my toplines are.. it a very nice movie. I want to wait for the DVD release now because the print i saw left alot in the dark and i for the life of me couldnt understand why they had to make Robert Pattinson wear such a dark shade of lipstick throughout the movie. i came up with alot of theories like because hes supposed to be drinking blood and all.. but it still didnt make sense. it make watching the whole flick a little weird. i mean no hollywood movie had ever been so in your face with the male lipstick piece. It wasnt until i saw the theatrical trailer on the website :) that i realized that the lipstick part was actually a function of the camera print and not hehe catherine hardwickes fault.. lol.. he actually looks human in the high quality version. so we'll just wait till march i guess to see what the movie actually looks like.
i absolutely love the score. the music spoke to me from the first opening scene down to the very end. Carter Burwell is a musical genius. he made the music speak. it was an alive, vibrating presence throughout the movie. it was like a character by itself with dialogues and emotions. it was unbelievable. so i wondered where the hell can i get the musical score and again google to the rescue. downloaded the entire score piece by piece. hauntingly lovely. sigh.
now i had decided my mania needs to be laid to rest so im going to flip in Shahrukh's latest offering "Rab ne bana di jodi" and offer my peaked mind some regular fast food fare. i had a choice between this, "vicky cristina barcelona" and "Jaane Tu"(in a very good print), but while "Jaane Tu was really tempting, i decided something new was called for.
my felicitations to the cast, crew and creator of Twilight. it must be amazing to watch your visions come to life. Stephanie Meyer must be the worlds happiest person right now. its seriously like breathing life into your dreams for her since the idea apparently came from a dream. Goes to show there is merit in majoring in English :)
GoogleName: Fariha GemWorld
Blogspot: http://gemworld.blogspot.com
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Princess of the GemWorld ... ** Wanderlust..** Fariha's Thoughts of the Day... My take on life as i grudgingly trudge through it... Milestones : Being Born, Given Name: Fariha Shah, Basic MindSet: Army Brat, AlmaMater: CBM College of Business Management, Professional Qualification: MBA, Philosophie de la vie (on good days): Life is like an icecream cone, enjoy it before it melts!, Philosophie de la vie (on bad days): Life Sucks & then you die!, Personal Conviction: Life is for the Living...