i wrote the below blog last week.
Then Allah mian sent me lots of blessings. so there i was feeling all alone. and sad and forgotten. and then me fwiend anie called me up and said lets do a girls morning out.. movie and breakfast. and my hungry little tummy jumped for joy.. :)
so saturday morning bright n early at 10:30am amidst protesting husbands we set out on our girls only outing bursting with excitement and joy uncontained. and it WAS FUN.
first we hopped over to Ibn-e-Batuta and saw 17 Again which my hubby wouldnt have watched like ever. both anie and i love silly high school movies :) im so happy. and then we came out all teary eyed at the grand finale sigh sigh and went to this totally adorable cafe restaurant called The LimeTree. was slightly expensive in my opinion but the eggs florentine was nice and the chocolate cake was very nice too. my vanilla chai was below expectations but i shouldve investigated that.
i will return to try the caramelised banana pancakes with maple syrup.. yummmmy... and we talked and talked and talked.. something we hadnt done for sooo long.. :) i came home happy.
then i installed the webcam and showed hareem shareem the blinds in action :) lol.. it was so exciting.
then Pakistan won the T20 Championship and it was the icing on the proverbial doughnut lol.. we had doughnuts at work to celebrate courtesy insights :)
and i spoke to Geet and Sara and Hareem and Anie and smsd Als and it was so great. and today a dear friend is visiting and another dear friend is planning to visit sometime this year inshAllah :) future joy.. .MashAllah...
All the good stuff is nearly making me forget the slight back pain i have developed as of yesterday afternoon between my shoulder blades accompanied by tingling sensations up and down my spine. the hypochondriac in me is imagining the worst. hmmm..
may Allah mian keep us all in his protection and favor and bless us and our nation with peace, health & prosperity. its been a long time coming..
joy to the world :)
it feels like theres noone left in the world. Theres no one to call. No one to make plans with. No one to go to a nice restaurant with. I feel alone yet at the same time i have no time to be alone. Its wierd. There has descended a complete lack of feeling other than spontaneous frustration upon my being and i can lay the blame at alot of doors but not at Allah mians. Hes trying to give me lots to be happy about. And i am to a large extent. I just want to feel like ive made it. U know. Like inspite of all the negativity and the questions and yes even my own lack of drive, i want to believe that inspite of me ive made it. is that possible?
I dont know.
As usual the insecurities are my most loyal companions. They never leave. I ignore the hell out of them sometimes. But woh bhi dheet hain. All it takes is one little clink and they rear their ugly heads ready to strike.
we end with joy.. :) cheerios
Princess of the GemWorld
GoogleName: Fariha GemWorld
Blogspot: http://gemworld.blogspot.com
MSN Space: http://gemworldfars.spaces.live.com/