It was new years night. So we were expecting things to shut down early. But they really didn't. Just the roads into Defence got blocked.
Princess of the GemWorld ... ** Wanderlust..** Fariha's Thoughts of the Day... My take on life as i grudgingly trudge through it... Milestones : Being Born, Given Name: Fariha Shah, Basic MindSet: Army Brat, AlmaMater: CBM College of Business Management, Professional Qualification: MBA, Philosophie de la vie (on good days): Life is like an icecream cone, enjoy it before it melts!, Philosophie de la vie (on bad days): Life Sucks & then you die!, Personal Conviction: Life is for the Living...
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Laughter and memories
It was new years night. So we were expecting things to shut down early. But they really didn't. Just the roads into Defence got blocked.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Lahori winters
Bless his soul.. he remembered and immediately asked me how Ami was, which of course jump-started my latent memory.
After leaving from there, i went for a nostalgic walk around liberty and bought some jhumkas. Went to dupatta galli and got some teekas and then there was the fresh samosa pakora shop with the hot spicy aaloo mixed pakoras. Soooo good. Bought a pao and then headed to the English Tea House.
Scones and lahori malai with bread n butter pudding with tams. It was the faretheewell tea. My treat this time. This place is so cute. I love the setting and the atmosphere.
For some reason i didn't feel like grabbing pictures everywhere i went. As if my mind was the best camera of this childhood abode and nothing i clicked now could do it justice. My desire for an slr is mounting day by day. Desire... not need!
Post the scones, i went in search of Ajmeer bakery in main mkt which Taro chacha had read had the best fruitcake in town. I finally found after crossing the pathan machli wala making the yummy lahori fried fish in the galli behind main mkt opp. Shezan. Future ref ☺. The old man in the old bakery asked me if i wanted the classic fruit cake or the xmas fruitcake. I asked what the difference was. He explained the xmas fruit cake has lots and lots of REAL fruit. Suffice it to say, thats what we went for. Stopped quickly at erum bajis. She wasnt home so said salam to kamal bhai and went home for tea.
The whole family had tea together with fruitcake followed by Gogos. I had a club sandwich. Then it was off to the airport after alot of shah family hugs and kisses.
The flight had biryani. Good biryani
It smelled great and the nice flight pursor told me to have it because it was quite good. But i was really really really full. So i just slept through the flight. Landed. Went home. Slept.
Thanks to the Almighty for all the joyous reunions and the yummy food... and for continually keeping me and my loved ones under his protection.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Lahore Lahore hai...
There was NO omelette! Apparently i misjudged and took the red eye instead of the breakfast flight :( i so sad right now. The Good news? I can sleep straight through to landing.
Espresso peri bites??
😊 met me fwiend Aimen today for an early morning excursion to Dolmen. She is highly strategic and wanted to be the first person crashing through the doors of Agha Noor...
We lucked out and found a few outfits we liked. 😊 then came the ahem... Espresso break.. i didnt know Espresso had a full day bfast. Awesomeness... but well i think my tummy was hanging on by a thread so I'd had a bowl of oatmeal in the morning.
And thats when i spotted the... peri bites equivalent on their appetiser menu... 😈😈😈😈😤😧😨... it must be consumed!
We ordered and waited with bated tastebuds. And O M G... T N T! Dynamite... hot n cheesy n saucy and crunchy and super hot chilli!!!!! I LOVED THEM!!
Dont think my oesophagus can take a re-trial though. And to top it off, i had a piping hot cup of tea with the super hot chilli burning my mouth. Man! I think i'm a sadist.
That was that. Then i came home.. me and ami went to run some errands and went to visit amijan. The view from the new place looks out over the Quaid's mausoleum and it was mesmerizing. You see back streets of the residential areas. Its got a quiet tranquility about it. Made Karachi look serene and beautiful. Its possible!
Met up with Has n Fawz... it was awesomeness as usual. Fawz's mum had a super eclectic dinner table with yummy haleem, dahi phulkis, nimco samosas with imli chutney, chicken chargha... and ofcourse I had a cup of tea. The kiddys are so so cute as ever. It was wonderful just sitting and yapping and yapping and yapping.. i nearly forgot i had a flight to catch.. so Sabir n I fled home before midnight much like Cinderella..
The next two days are lahore.... cant wait!!
Monday, December 28, 2015
Yesterday i cried
I cried because i couldnt understand why the Almighty would take pieces of my soul and scatter them across the globe.
I cried because i didnt know the next time i would have multiple pieces of my soul with me in the same place at the same time.
I cried and i cried and i cried. Till i looked like rudolph. Then i stopped.
I stopped and i thanked the Lord that i was born into this age of technology where i can see and hear the people i love whenever i want.
Its no substitute for the joy of physical presence, but its way better than a letter after months.
Its okay. We'll manage. We'll make the effort whenever life permits. We'll cross oceans and continents when we can. We are the lucky ones because we have people we want to do these things for.
And that's a gift from the universe.
Pieces of the soul
Today my teeny tiny little cousin usama told me the principle for remembering how to spell the word "pieces" and never get it wrong.
"No "e" before "i" unless after a "c" "
Talk about awesome. We all met after a super long time. He's nearly a doctor. Goodness gracious 😊 and mashaAllah.
Every day this week has been like coming home. That's apart from the actual physical "coming home"☺
Meeting the whole family.. again and again... all my dadis... my chachas and chachis and cousins and nieces (just used the usama principle here) and nephews. The amazing hugs (am thinking siddo here 😊) and the warmth and the love and the joy. MashaAllah.
And then there are my friends. The ones that wake up by 10am and join me for breakfast.. the ones that are ever ready to share a cup of tea... the ones that try to meet up even though their schedules are as full if not fuller than mine... and the benaam crew.
I'd forgotten the joy of friends. Of the simple joy of sitting in a pebbled parking lot and just guzzling cup after cup of elaichi chai while doubling over with laughter over 20 year old jokes that no one else would get ( or want to get 😂) in a million years.
I remember it now 😊 its joyous.
The thing with life is this. We come into this world with a certain soul. It the definition of who we are. But no one is born complete. We're all born with some pieces (thank u usama 😊 again) missing. We just don't know it!
So as we glide through life, ignorant to our own incompleteness.. we are suddenly jolted out of our automode existence by a few special souls that cross our path. These souls could be anyone... but its what they become that's important.
When we make friends (the broader classification encompasses everyone we love that touched our souls in any way.. including family and cousins and ppl we went to school with and people you flew on planes with and people you came across in foreign lands and people you met in grocery stores.. the opportunities are endless)... we begin a journey of discovery.
This journey can last a few minutes.. or a few decades. But its objective is single minded. We're looking for the missing fragments of our souls. Some cultures limit the span of this journey using the term soul mate and converting it into solely a romantic endeavor. But that's incorrect.
Everytime you come across a beautiful soul that speaks to you... a soul that you want to keep a piece of for yourself forever... you've found a missing piece of yours in that person. You've found a joy that will transcend time and space... that will transcend gender, societal norms, decades of low frequency interaction, age, .... everything that can place limits on a human connection. This joy will rise above all, and permeate your being... forever!
You will always be surrounded by it. For the joy of feeling complete, even if its one fragment at a time, can not be superceded. And that's what this life is all about... completing our souls and helping those that complete ours in completing theirs... together... forever...
And then rising to greater heights of self-discovery and becoming the wonderful, loving, nurturing beings we were destined to be and spreading our combined joy to the world at large through all the good we can create together.
But the primary condition for this phenomenon to successfully complete itself is for there to be no judgement or material expectation on both sides. The completion of the souls requires open hearts, open minds, and an adherence to honesty and integrity forevermore.
It sounds cheesy and mushy... but its the honest truth. I've known this truth for a while but was never truly able to articulate it.
So to make a long story short... all you beautiful special souls that are a part of mine... know that I love you for what you have brought and are bringing into my life. Thank you for completing me... thank you for the laughter... thank you for the joy... thank you for keeping me grounded (thats stating what y'all do quite politely)... thank you for being cute cuddly fluffy little happy beings even when you're not 😊..
Thank you for being you and loving me in spite of not wanting to 😂 thank you FOR giving a .... ahem... caring. Thank you for the nights of loud music blaring bon jovi in our cars... thank you for the shared movies and the dialogues we couldnt get enough of... thank you for never finishing all of your main course... thank you for sharing dessert... thank you for staring at the sky, counting stars on cold winter nights... thank you for midnight bday wishes.. and sharing joyous wedding celebrations... thank you for 3am karahis... and 4 am study sessions.. thank you for listening and laughing.. and crying and symphathizing... thank you making me feel not-lonely or alone... thank you for the hugs... thank you for the calls...
Thank you for sharing a piece of your soul that was also a piece of mine.... thank you for completing me.
Now all we have to do is quit being polite and just be honest and true to one another ... but thats never been an issue 😏 unfortunately lol...
Thank you all you silly people... I love you in my own wierd fars-like way... till when you reeeaaally piss me off 😇 heheheh..
Au revoir mon amis...
Chatkharays and chais
The joys of breakfast can not be beat. Especially a full on, greasy, spicy, yummy, chatkharay daar breakfast.
In typical fashion, i reached out and jhanjhorofied me fwiend at 9am in the morning and asked the crucial one-word question "nashta..?"
An hour and a half later, we were happily seated surrounded by halwa puri, hari mirch qeema, parathas, chai and aaloo tarkari.. lets not forget the masala omelette 😊😊😊😊😊
Aaaaaaaaahhhh the joys of karachi.
Course that was not enough... then moi headed off to a family lunch encompassing biryanis and gajar ka halwas.
And the crowning glory to the day was Chotu Chaiwala with the Benaam Crew... loads of bun kababs, parathas, omelette, chais and loads of priceless laughter and joy...
😊 mashaAllah... may the lord have mercy on my tummy...
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Hob nobbing in a gulshan
The title for this post is related directly to where i went to scrounge around for food yesterday.
The morning was sublime. It was quiet. The white noise of TV in the background. The freshly toasted toast with dhaniyay ki chutney and butter... a piping hot cup of tea. Dip dip.. yum yum..
I'm a tea dipper. I dip EVERYTHING in my tea. I believe that is the sole purpose of tea... to be dipped in by a myriad of foreign edible substances. :)
Then me and Sabir went off to khadda mkt to basarat. Then to phase 2 dha mkt to find hob nob patties. I got some lemon tarts for old times sake since uzmchi and mano were coming. We are the lemon tart crew :)
I suddenly remembered the gulshan kay samosas and decided to hop down and see the wares in the sweet shop. It was so sweeeeet :)
So i got big aaloo samosas.. small qeema and chicken samosas and some balushahi, kalakand, and pateesa. Just to taste.
Got home.. had some super yummy shalgham gosht and chawal. Then had a feast with everyone and piping hot tea :).
Post that i went into a minor food coma. And popped off to nap for a couple of hours. Post that it was wedding time. Pulled on my wedding day finery and played dress up in front of the mirror lol...
The wedding was at golf club. Golf clubs nice. Its remote and removed but it has character... a lovely drive in... beautiful lawns that held just a hint of fog... it was beautiful. And the bride was MashAllah looking very nice.. and more importantly happy :)
So me Mahira and deeno had a nice time sitting around appreciating other people's outfits and then we were off home.
A slow and sleepy day but still filled with flavors... :)
Saturday, December 26, 2015
The tea ceremony
I have gone around complaining to anyone with two working ears (even some not so working) about my 20 years old idea of opening a dhabba called Da Dhabba (mafia shtyle) and selling unda tamater and parathas 4-evah!! Oooh yeahhh!
BUT no one would listen to my trend-spotting genius and NOW every tom, doodles and freakin harry has a chai ka dhabba and is merrily frying up chicken achari parathas at the speed of.... well as fast as the hot oil will permit really ☺☺
So The Feasting Saga continues unabated.. thanks to FT and his unending foodie generosity and we trooped off to find the rip-off (of my supremely original idea from 20 years ago) chai ka dhabbas.
Got to the place and I'm looking around trying to figure out which is which... coz.. get this! ... there are no less than THREE chai ka dhabbas within a 500 yards radius from each other.
So there was The Chai Point, Chai Shai and Chai Wala... we opted for Chai Wala.. found a table and made a stand ☺
I liked the truck art tables and the truck art graffitti on the walls. I REALLY liked the chicken achar paratha that we kinda breathed in, we ate it so fast. Once it was gone, i had an epiphany and realized that I'd forgotten to capture it for posterity in my camera. So for the sake of Art! (Indeed!) We ordered ANOTHER one! Somehow our appetite was still roaring and before I could remember to snap anything, round 2 had also disappeared into the endless abyss of our tummies... yee haw! Heheheh...
So now all u have to show for it is the picture of an empty table (quite apt!) And what the place looked like. The atmosphere was nice. It was a bit chilly. People from all areas and walks of life were there. Big cars, small cars... all squashed together, jostling to find parking.. the waiters running around with the parathas in straw chabas.. quaint, yummy, slightly reminescent of our Damascus days. 😊 fun.
At night we went to dadijans. Dania had cooked up a storm. Super yummy chicken handi and kashmiri chai. Met the Shah clan army and siddo and I hugged out in glee.
Then off to little mariam's mehndi. Met Javed uncle and aunty (khals in amsterdam with nasreen aunty). Mariam (MA) looked adorable and happy and her family was wonderful. The mehndi dinner rocked. They had gol gappas and chat, fresh jalebis being cooked right then and there and .. wait for it... BUN KABABS!! i was in desi food heaven. Mariam's friend Ainy had flown down from isloo. She's a pilot (MA). 😊 sky's the limit now literally 😊
It was a lovely time.
Thank u Allah mian... u made the world a nice place too...
Friday, December 25, 2015
Abu Jaan
I went to see nana first.
Then baray nana.
The nani.
Then abu.
There are smiles in my heart.
He is in shade. Even in this realm the Almighty is bestowing his kindness.

The shadows move. An ambulance siren. The car horns, traffic, heaving masses of humanity in the distance....
But here right now.. its just me.. the chirping of the birds... the fluttering breeze and abu...
Your heir is here ☺... and I love u with every fragment of my soul and spirit. Always and forever...
It wasn't easy. I cried. A lot. Every second of every day. Sometimes I thought I'd run out of tears. But you never really do. There are always more.
Then I became numb. To everything. Drowned out the world... my self... the tears stopped.
But I always remembered and I promise to never forget *pinkie swear :) ... and when "I" make a pinkie swear, I keep it!

To love... without judgement.. without expectation... without wanting payback.. to love for the sake of loving... to love because you can't help but love... to love in small ways because grand gestures are overrated.. to love and come to the airport every single time just so you'd be the first face I'd see when I walked out with my eyes searching the crowd, yearning to see your face and feel safe again. Your love which couldn't be contained and encompassed the world... your heart which was endless and embraced everyone who wanted to be touched by your warmth...
Your loved flowed over me... night and day... in the way you ruffled my hair all the time... in the way you would hug me and kiss my forehead... the way I could fall asleep with my head on your chest with your heartbeat thrumming a lullaby to me.. your strength.. your ability to care... how you couldn't help but care.. how you would remember all the medicines nano needed to take on a daily basis and give them to her... how sometimes I think she loved you more than her own children *smile...
I hug the kiddy poos senseless till they scream in protest... its a different feeling.. I make THEM feel safe... they way you made ME feel safe.. but I feel loved by them too...
I want to hug more... I figure now i'm old and over the hill some indiscriminate hugging is warranted. I'm looking for huggable... hug-worthy souls to dispense my special fars-ribcrusher hugs to. Not everyone has the physical construct to survive those. Thankfully the kiddy poos do and siddo does :) it takes a strong human being to take one of my hugs and stay standing lol... siddo gives as good as she gets.. I love my family.
I could thank you infinitely and never run out of things to thank you for. Thank you to the Almighty for gifting me you as my abu.
Gluttony fest
There was a moment of silence while we ripped em apart and scooped the spicy aaloo tarkari onto them and literally breathed them in...
Princess of the GemWorld
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Its winter wonderland time
Today is another 12 Rabi ul awal. Tomorrow 3pm is 10yrs to the lunar calendar day that abu passed away. Somehow the gregorian calendar takes precedence. I honor the lunar day, but mourn the solar day of 11th April 2006 far more. I gratefully have not lost a single memory of him to the passage of time... in part thanks to GemWorld.
After being lost at sea, and too ravaged by the waves to even acknowlwdge it.. I landed on an island... like an oasis in the vast wasteland of listless oceanic wonder... its neat... its got some new things to discover... its warm and welcoming and i suddenly remembered what it felt like to laugh and really mean it.
I met me again :) the me from long ago... the one i used to like :) me was neat too. Me was all about me. I think thats what i liked about her. She had understood the truth of happiness beginning from within and she worked hard at the objective. Once the inner sanctum is overflowing with self generated euphoria, then and only then can u turn the focus outward.
Happy lies within not without.
There are little wisps of joy floating about the island too... they are like remnants of memories past and present... delicious moments of contained joy burst upon me every now and then brought upon by one wisp or the other... the joy emanates from a celebration of the self, derived from the expressions of the soul... my soul has found a voice again after being in silence for some time... the dam has burst and the deluge is unstoppable 😊 i harbour a certain sense of pity for the joyous wisps... poor little beings subjected to the full force of my reawakening. I wonder how resiliant they will be in the face of this torrential flood till the tide ebbs.
I will try to be kind.
Being kind is not a natural instinct. Being helpful is. But kindness and thoughtfulness are higher emotions. They carry greater baggage and responsibility. They intone a certain strength of character like what abu exhibited every single day of his life... they are reason everyone who knew him and was helped by him still remembers him with such regard. We reap the kindness of the Almighty due to the kindness paid out by our fathers in this world. I am continuously surprised and thankful each time i experience kindness from the harsh world... and i know exactly why its being sent my way. I miss him. I love him. Forever.
I made a play list on youtube a week ago. I called it farsmusinglist 😊 i'm going to put every song i ever liked enough to sing to myself on it so when i get old i still remember them. Sometimes i want to share me with the world at large. But then i hold myself back... for the fear that instead of being able to appreciate my weirdness, i will in all probability be ridiculed for it. And rightfully so. I am a contradiction in terms. A living breathing oxymoron. An extremist that knows no middle ground... and i didnt know anyone who could swallow all of that and still be smiling 😊 i still carry hope for a miracle lol... there just may be weirder people than me in the world... hey! Anything's possible!
Hope springs eternal in the human breast. The PIA plane is just beginning its descent towards khi. I can see the city of lights glimmering below... a vast heaving beast of human joys and sorrows.
A small smile starts curving across my lips 😊 what can i say?! It's good to be home.
Rabbi anzilni munzalam mubarakan wa anta khairul munzileen....
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
"No one has any power over me!"
I miss me. Sometimes I feel a weight of a thousand untold stories in my heart but there are too many pieces and I think I've lost the plot. A million pieces of an unfinished tale...
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Moonlight & waves
I'm still me surprisingly... tenaciously hanging on to what I have always been. Not moving forward but never moving back. Life has been kind. Its a sublime existence.
There are no words of wisdom spouting forth. I wouldnt recognize them anyway.
Theres a carousel. It brings to mind all the carousels i've ever seen and have memories of. I've always felt the burden of perception weighing heavily on me. The ability to see the reality of ppl is a difficult one at best.... excruciating one at worst.
But no complaints. Atleast there arent any surprises. U get what u expect, dust yourself off and move on.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Life Path :)
It's calculated on the basis of your name and the number of letters in it.
You find it hard to open up with others. If your Life Path is seven then you are wise and studious. Having an perfectionist nature about yourself you are devoted to invetigating the unknown and amounting knowledge. Your field work wise should be someting related to analysis, deductive reasoning, scientific knowledge or technical ability.
Dammit! I knew I should have gone into something scientific!
Damn Chemistry and the burning hatred I carry in my heart for concatenation to this day!
sigh! Too late for regrets.
its now 2015. It's been a reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllllllly long time since I have been in the land of the living and I am pretty much as clueless about all of it as the day I started.
So who's with me? :)
***************************************************** I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p GemWorld Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity