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Princess of the GemWorld ... ** Wanderlust..** Fariha's Thoughts of the Day... My take on life as i grudgingly trudge through it... Milestones : Being Born, Given Name: Fariha Shah, Basic MindSet: Army Brat, AlmaMater: CBM College of Business Management, Professional Qualification: MBA, Philosophie de la vie (on good days): Life is like an icecream cone, enjoy it before it melts!, Philosophie de la vie (on bad days): Life Sucks & then you die!, Personal Conviction: Life is for the Living...
Saturday, December 23, 2006
it's all good
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Travel & Cheerios
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Friday, November 10, 2006
Life sucks..
i pay the bills! is that being grown up? i try to do stuff around the house. kinda. mostly i just lie in front of the TV feeling unfit and sleepy and asking mums for supper.. sighhhh...
can i ever be grown up ... somehow i doubt it..
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Eid time
its eid time. we're not celebrating. but i still asked ami to make qeema sawaiyan.. i like those.. i eat them allll day... :)..
Uzmchi, shahcha, hamid and sidra are here for eid.. its going to be so great having them here. it gives everyone an excuse to get together every day cause we have visitors from afar... like the olden days when you had to travel days to get from one village to the next.
we're going to go to sunday bazaar and take uzmchi so she can browse old books.
i seriously took my time didnt i :) yup.. eid was nice. the whole family came over for lunch one day and all the men spent the entire day watching cricket. people kept visiting us the next day as well and generally ensured that the house wasnt empty even for a little while. it was wonderful..
Granted there are somethings i would changed.. like Abu not being here.. like some logistical difficulties.. like my mum missing abu soo very much all the time...
but i know that when Allah Mian sends trial, he also inshallah sends strength..
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Monday, October 02, 2006
lost for words
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
ive been silent for a long time. was too busy to be able to say anything. once u start typing u cant go back to writing in a copy coz u know eventually u'll
have to type it. thats enuff to take the joy out of it. ive been telling people that ive been having dreams that the time has come when all i have to do is think and it converts into words. i cant wait for that time to come. it just proves even further that i am supremely lazy.
i havent been 100% in terms of health. my bilirubin was twice wat it shudve been. went to a liver specialist and he told me that i had gilberts syndrome and one of my enzymes was lazy in clearing out the dead red blood cells. damn. now even my enzymes are lazy. its a system wide error. sigh..nowmyspacebarhasstoppedworking.imgoing.
Friday, August 18, 2006
google happy
i tried "realm of the soul"
i tried "gemworld"
i tried "gemworld fars" AND I HIT THE JACKPOT!
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18th Aug 2006 - Thursday
also bought two very very nice and very very fresh looking swiss voile shirt pieces and lovely laces to go with them.. and i am seriously tempted to go back tomorrow and buy one more which i really liked.
my husband dared and hence i'm married..
if he'd been a wus.. i wud've been pushing 40 and still wouldnt have found a realistic match..
now i believe that God want us to make an effort towards achieving the end like Abu used to say.
thats the lecture i give and it makes me very happy when it has an effect.
i get depressed when it doesnt.. its like watching a good muffin go to waste... sacrilege!
Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.
Friday, July 28, 2006
our wonderful unda tamatar making dhabba wala decided to retire and go into the tea making business.. and now he only serves tea to that entire market place.. why .. why ... WHYYYYYYYY..
i will never be able to taste the tastes of my youth... i am soo depressed .. its not even funny.. i still remember the garam garam unda tamatar with green chilies with a hot hot paratha and a doodh patti.. aye haye haye.. ufff.. sawad aa gaya badshahoun..
26th Jul 06 - Wednesday
i love him and miss him sooo much...
he brought me Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, Jason and the Argonauts.. and he brought me Awara, chori chori, mughal-e-azam, aan... he taped Tanhaiyaans last episode for me.. he watched Thundercats, Thundersub, Voltran and Transformers with me...
i love him... i miss him...
How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messengers low PC-to-Phone call rates.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Do you Yahoo!?
Next-gen email? Have it all with the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.
Friday, May 19, 2006
of cabbages & kings
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
its finally over
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Tuesday, May 02, 2006
i keep feeling like he's gone to get some groceries or for some work. in the first few days the illusion remained.. now its starting to come apart at the seams.. along with my threadbare hold on my tears..
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
my father
it's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning !!
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
it's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning !!
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006
end of the road
Thursday, March 09, 2006
lifes on a tangent
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Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Its one of those days
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Blogs still alive and kicking - http://spaces.msn.com/gemworldfars/
blogspot --> http://gemworld.blogspot.com
msn spaces --> http://spaces.msn.com/gemworldfars
i dont like it one bit... not to knock msn..
the good part is atleast i can still access blogger.. dammit.. whats the world coming to ..
this is just like when they shut down local production of pirated DVDs... its a horrible debilitating feeling...
I feel like a truck just hit me.. and its not just the blogspot block. I've had a fair amount of tea today resulting in overly frequent trips tudeloo... we had strawberries for lunch. and roast beef sandwiches from CTC (Coffee Tea & Co.). i'm trying to inject some semblance of reality in my life and open my eyes to the day but somehow it's eluded me so far..
the jacket i ordered at Calzoom has probably been sold by now to someone since its been three weeks and i still havent gone to pick it up.. my things to do list is either overburdened or non-existent... a pendulum which, you will agree, is not conducive to a productive environment.
one bright spot of achievement does light up my day.. my clean clear crisply organized file cabinet. after the last day long attempt on my part to kill everything that was redundent within its 6 walls, i can happily say i won the battle.. the war shall rage on long into the night...
i seriously want to just run away to a beautiful garden with trees and green leaves and sit on the grass and just stare at the sky and be blank. i want to just think think and think about nothing.. i want to attain that peace of mind that we have as children when the stars shine bright and the clouds are the wisps of fantasies borne out of our own imaginations.
I want to go to lawrence garden or jinnah garden.... hmmm.. i have just been told lawrence garden and jinnah garden are one and same.. fine... i want to go to both...
i want to pick up my jacket.. i want to go for a run today. i want to not overeat.. i want to feel alive..
Sigh i have to leave office before i can do all those things.. i think i'll go for a cup of tea.. alone..
Princess of the GemWorld
I cant believe they blocked blogger
Friday, February 24, 2006
on my last trip to khi i felt like it was a home coming.. this trip is like an acid reflux..
Somehow on this one i've started remembering all the reasons i'd wanted to leave in the first place. All of them. the negativity.. the constant gripes... maybe its me..
The whole domestic politics of servants.. ohmygod.. i couldnt stand it... lol..
it was like deja vu.. the whole burning in the pit of my stomach over things i cant control.
i've gotten so used to living in anonymity and somehow i cant imagine that happening in khi.. cause you have lived your entire life in the same place obviously familiarity breeds. ... breeds contempt too...
All the old fears and concerns and childish irritations wash over me... lol
i suddenly feel like a teenager again..
ok i'm going to go and spend some quality time with the family and make me an omelette.
happy holidays..
Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity
Monday, February 20, 2006
Coming home
no sneezes.. no coughs.. nothing but great gusts of karachi enriched air..
I guess my immune system can withstand it.. after years of building up the resistance :) also i think the reason my body's been giving up on me in Lahore is the fact that theres no windy breeze there.. the air seems stagnant.. everything hangs in the air like it has no where to go.. and hence its a whole lot more stuffier.. the heat there is dry though.. whereas in khi you're just melting.. but you're also cooling down along with it.. so that makes it ok..
i got alot of work done today..
i also read alot of romance novels over the two holidays.. even the ones i knew i wouldnt like.. i'd lost my penchant for reading romances for a while in between, but suddenly after the chronicles of Narnia and the Pride and Prejudice marathon sessions, it all came flooding back.. and im kinda glad cause it just helps you relax so much.. mindless reading.. no concentration required.. and you improve your vocabulary all the same and sometimes even learn about new places and new cuisines.. i tell you these romance novelists do a whole lotta research before constructing their worlds.. :) its kinda cool..
it feels good to be home.. since i was away the past two weekends.. i can say that with a clear conscience.. Karachi rocks man.. theres no other place in the world like it.. except maybe Amsterdam which is better...
So thats that.. how you doin world..
Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity
Sunday, February 19, 2006
like a whisper in the wind
its enough to make one wax lyrical about the wonders of nature and the resplendent beauty of fresh rosebuds bursting forth in each corner of the world.. Beauty, thy name is spring..
i guess thats why they equate spring to youth... its when everything is jim dandy and fresh.. its when your knees dont creek, your teeth dont screech and your mind doesnt buzz.. its when life is like a bowl of butter.. and when dreams are as easy to achieve as your next cup of tea.. :)
i need to quit my caffiene addiction btw.. has absolutely no relevance to the topic but i thought i'd mention it anyway.
i am joyful.. deep within my spirit.. i am elevated beyond the daily grind of the rushing hordes of humanity and i feel honored.. to be able to acknowledge the advent of spring.. to be able to recognize the harmony in the changing of the seasons.. to be able to bear witness to the changing of the guard between winter and spring. there would be so many people in this world who would have forgotten all about the seasons and the wonderous miracles of nature because they just dont think beyond their basic needs.. and for them that is right..
for me.. i am ecstatic with joy that Allah Almighty has still decided to bestow upon me once again the joy of witnessing his wonders.. this inspite of my tinnitus :)
i went to the ENT the other day.. very nice gentleman.. liked him on sight.. he gave me zantac in case my recurring sore throats and congestion was caused by acid reflux, sturgeon for increasing blood circulation in case my tinnitus is due to that.. and some nose drops in case i have allergies.. which i never had all my living years.. also ordered a sugar test which i had tested a few months ago and it was all clear and an xray to see the extent of the congestion i kept complaining about.. which i still have to have done..
after all of that i had the pleasure of my friend anie liking me to the man who thought he was a hospital .. something Punjab board makes them read in 2nd year.. humph.. what does it take to get some sympathy around here..
while i was at Rahat medicos.. my second most favorite shopping area after the Askari walton market in Lahore.. i also got CAC1000 cause i like that and i need to absorb calcium while i still can... so there you have it.. i am on my way to becoming a walking talking pharmacy.. how cool.. i could charge 10% over the market rate and make a decent margin in case people want to hit me for pills.. :)
i had a marathon session of Pride & Prejudice (Kiera Knightley version) a few days ago.. my friend anies gone loopy and watched it 6 times in 10 days.. but i have to admit.. its nicely made and the Darcy grows on you by the end of the movie.. however the copy Geet has has the best Mr. Darcy ever cast.. its the BBC tv series version but before the Colin Firth one.. who is also not bad..
I also saw Cadet Kelly .. Hilary Duff.. shes cute.. and her movies are usually cute.. then i read only about TomKat and Brangelina etc etc.. gossip is always a great way of catching up with the real world :) so sue me i love channel E.. note to WORLDCALL.. turn it back on or else!!
it was a cousins valima dinner today and i'll wear my mums gharara to the reception tomorrow.. the only problem is the work is silver and my jewelry is golden :) kya karein..
i love life... Thank God for little blessing.. like the CTC spring rolls.. i have them everyday.. at 630 pm..
i love the songs of rang de basanti.. pathshala - love the da dein dein.. in the music.. awesome.. love the bluffmaster right here right now... love the rang de basanti title track especially the ring rang ring rang... lol.. love it.. got caught during lunch hour sharing a sandwich with my neighbor and blasting this one.. our GM walked in and took in the scene with one of his cool calm and collected looks while he controlled any urge to laugh or yell :).. amazing song though ring ring ring ring ring...
i heard it was raining at bhurban and singing.. wish.. but whatever :) i had ctc spring rolls na..
Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Nostalgical sniffings...
the binoria ki chinioti handi kept swimming in my consciousness and somehow that made me cry even harder.. theres no Binoria ki chinioti handi in all of laaaahoooorrre... bhuuuuwaaaaaaahhhhh...
just looking at the familiar faces.. my advent into the corporate world where i'd first taken baby steps... the faces that guided me.. i just wanted to hug 'em... all the little people.. they were all so wonderful.. i have so much respect for the non-management cadre... they were wholesome and good and had hearts and were warm and loving and had families and lives and never let lifes little problems get them down.. i miss them all so much..
there was shahid the visual arts whiz and burly sohail sb our one stop shop for all product related solutions.. khalid sb & ashfaq to get any sale done.. the sales guyz.. all of them.. every one was a character.. they were always so happy and spirited no matter what the challenge..
every one has their glitches.. no ones perfect.. but i cant remember the downsides.. i just remember the happy moments.. the hour long commute.. the rainy day pakoras.. the aaloo pakoras from the railway crossing.. garam garam with masala.. i wonder if the guy is still there.. i loved his pakoras.. i used to buy them sometimes on the way to work and have them with my morning tea.. every one used to gather round and we used to have a tea party.. :) suleman bhai key samosay.. the qeema samosas outside the sales office.. and there were the tea people.. i remember feroz and naveed i think.. there were so many people who came and went in the course of my 3 years there but they all kept in touch and even now still do.. i cant imagine that happening anywhere else.. i miss them.. :(-----
chota kashif shahid sohail sb mustafa asif ashfaq khalid arif sb arshad sb mohsin sb nyla shahid sb anis sb yasin naeem.. the whole CE team.. :(----
Those were simple times and simple joys are the best kind of joys..
sighhhhh... i love memories.. thank God for them.. where would we be without them...
I'm going to hide under my desk and cry for the rest of the day..
Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity
Thursday, February 02, 2006
au revoir my chums
I've moved to a place in my life where i have nothing but silence and chaos in my head. my ears are always buzzing with the high pitched drone of too much airline travel.. as it is i was clinically deaf already.. my eyes are slowly turning into pebbles.. little pebbles inset on my swollen cabbage like face.. its reached a point that at night my pupils dont even expand because they've become so attuned to receiving the sharp glare of the LCD screen 16 hours a day.
my digestive system vaccilates between two extremes and yes its not pretty. my food intake is dangerously random... all week i have breakfast lunch & dinner.. and i try desperately to keep a handle on the intake.. come the weekend all i do is eat and sleep..
i'm going to be dead by the time i'm 50.. no 45.. i was aiming for 60 but seriously..
Not happening..
i dont talk to my friends anymore.. theyre as busy as i am... and slowly when you stop talking you forget how to talk.. theres no energy left to craft conversation and while silence is a beautiful part of beautiful friendships.. too much of anything is bad..
I feel completely cutoff and isolated.. half the time its a struggle not to burst into tears at the most inopportune moments.. and somehow there doesnt seem to be a ray of sunshine in sight..
i know this picture sounds more dire than it actually is... i'm still thankful for my beautiful family and friends.. i just dont feel at this particular moment in time that i'm doing anyone in my life any justice whatsoever..
people keep passing by the doors.. the world goes on.. everyone has their own issues to deal with... each struggling to keep their head above water.. i feel like driftwood let loose upon the raging seas.. one little peice being battered by the rough waves.. afloat.. but for how long..
for all my questioning of the purpose of life.. i make absolutely no effort to determine it.. i make no effort to clarify my objectives.. i keep thinking floating through life is the right thing to do cause if you dont over think things you can stay happy for longer.. maybe thats not true..
maybe i should over think things and try to pin down every single variable in my life from closet space to college funds and maybe i should do that now so i dont have to ever have anyone tell me "i told you so" or "you really should have planned".
everyone in my life has their own objectives to pursue as it should be. we are all individuals after all. and i'm happy for them.. i've stopped being happy for me. i dont seem to have the time to acknowledge any emotion on my emotional thermometer.. i mentioned before i thought i was on auto pilot but now its like i'm just floating in the air with no engine at the whim of the winds.. and through no ones fault but my own because thats what i wanted.. i wanted to float through life..
i didnt realize sometimes floating takes away your power to feel the moment because all moments merge into one long flight.. i guess i forgot that in order to experience reality you have to touch the ground because thats where ground reality is :) heheh.. thats a pun & a half..
i think i need a hiatus from everything including this blog.. i'm going to crawl into a hole and think... i need to find my soul again..
Read this on the Warrior of Light Newsletter by Paulo Coelho
One day in January 2006
It is raining hard today and the temperature is close to 3ºC. I decided to go for a walk – I feel that if I don’t walk every day I won’t be able to work – but the wind is very strong too, so I came back to the car after ten minutes. I took the newspaper from the mailbox, nothing important in it, except the things that journalists have decided we should know, follow up and take a position on.
I go to the computer to read my e-mails.
Nothing new, just some decisions without any importance that I can see to later.
I try a little archery, but the wind is still blowing so strong that it’s impossible. I have already written my bi-annual book, which this time is called “The Zahir”, and there is still weeks before it comes out. I have already written the columns I publish on the Internet. I have already written the newsletter for my page on the Web. I have had a check-up on my stomach which fortunately detected nothing abnormal (they really scared me with all that business of sticking a tube down my throat, but there is nothing so terrible about it). I have been to the dentist. The tickets for my next trip by plane, which were taking a while to arrive, have finally got here by express mail. There are some things I have to do tomorrow, and some things I finished doing yesterday, but today ...
Today I have absolutely nothing to concentrate my attention on.
That scares me: shouldn’t I be doing something? Well, if you want to invent work, you don’t need to make much effort – there are always projects to be developed, bulbs that need changing, dry leaves that need sweeping, books to be tidied up, computer files to be organized, and so on. But how about just facing a total void.
I put on a cap, thermal clothes and a rainproof jacket, and go out to the garden – like this I’ll be able to stand the cold for the next four or five hours. I sit down on the wet grass and begin to make a mental list of what passes through my head:
A] I am useless. At this moment everybody is busy, working hard.
Answer: I work hard too, sometimes twelve hours a day. Today, by chance, I have nothing to do.
B] I have no friends. Here I am alone, one of the world’s best-known writers, and the telephone does not ring.
Answer: of course I have friends. But they know how to respect my need for isolation when I’m in the old mill at St. Martin in France.
C] I have to go and buy some glue.
Yes, I have just remembered that I ran out of glue yesterday, why not get into the car and drive to the nearest town? And that thought brings me to a halt. Why is it so difficult just to stay as I am right now, without doing anything?
A series of thoughts goes through my head: friends who worry about things that have not happened yet, acquaintances who know how to fill each minute of their lives with tasks that seem absurd to me, senseless conversations, long phone calls to say nothing of importance. Office bosses who invent work to justify their jobs, employees who are afraid because today they were given nothing important to do and that could mean that they are no longer any useful, mothers who torture themselves because the children have gone out, students who torture themselves over studies, tests, examinations.
I wage a long, difficult fight with myself not to get up and go to the stationary to buy the glue that is missing. The anguish is immense, but I’m determined to stay here without doing anything at least for a couple of hours. Little by little the anxiety gives way to contemplation and I begin to listen to my soul. It was dying to talk to me, but I’m always so busy.
The wind is still blowing very hard, I know that it’s cold and that tomorrow maybe I’ll need to buy some glue. I’m not doing anything, and I’m doing the most important thing in a man’s life: I’m listening to what I needed to hear from myself.
i guess we should all take time to listen to ourselves sometimes.
Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
mush mush mush mush mush.. dribble....
i think i've finally passed beyond the final frontier. its finally happend. i cant feel my brain anymore.
thats it
Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Truth laid bear
i miss simplicity sometimes. its become a victim of verbosity and procrastination. i always thought "lack of time" led to simplification. thats apprently not true. i also thought the higher you went in the corporate ladder the detail orientation was supposed to be laid to rest and the strategic hat was supposed to be plonked on. Thats also apparently not true. in fact in 9 cases out of ten most people are expected to switch between both roles frequently and without displaying any issues :)
now thats corporate utopia.. atleast from a higher management perspective :)
somehow sometimes i keep thinking back to "The Water Babies" and how the kids got turned into a field of cabbages popping everywhere because their minds got overloaded with school work and no play... IS SOMEONE LISTENING OUT THERE??!!
I think i'm going to gift copies of that book to everyone in the workplace with highlighted paragraphs for extra emphasis :)
Just read on msn gossip that brad gave angelina a ring.. at some point in time im sure i would have said "mera number kab aye ga".. but thankfully im over that phase now.. he's started looking old.. you know what i mean.. Angelina on the other hand is a whole different ball game.. by the paparrazzi estimation this tryst should last all of 5 years before running into a road block. i think they have a fair chance of making it.. provided they are understanding and forgiving.. which was probably not the case with Jen.
brrrr... its scary.. these western relationships..
Lahore is coooold these days. Each morning its a struggle to pull myself out of bed and now i've taken to the traditional method of flipping a coin to see whether or not i need to shower.. i usually win :)
The good thing is that there arent any BO issues.. i have all the sympathy in the world for poeple with those... winters must be mondo tough for them.. yikes..
just found another great site.. for all you people who like reading classic amazing beautiful books that makes childhood worth living go to Page by Page Books.com. Thats where i found water babies by charles kingley and now also Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery..
i still remember this one. i read the first chapter or the day she goes to school and gilbert calls her carrots.. in a book my nana bought me. Memorable School Stories Collection. My nana bought me all the loveliest books. he knew i loved reading. he bought me the entire Saint Clare series (enid blyton) in one go in Peshawar. He bought me the Mallory towers series. He bought me Enid Blytons numerous other titles from Ferozsons in Lahore (we were posted there at the time). I miss him. i still remember him coming home from work everyday to 2B Link Avenue in Karachi and saying "paani lao" and i used to run and get it. Then he used to turn on the AC full blast and sleep :) it used to be so nice and cold.. the soft drone of the air conditioner, curtains pulled, nana sleeping and me making tents out of nanis sheets and pretending i was in an alaskan winter. Thats what made my childhood the beautiful place that it was. By far the most peaceful times in my memory.. even now as i think of it, a tranquility steals over my entire soul. i love all my grandparents..
somehow sleep isnt as peaceful as those afternoon naps anymore.. you mind keeps racing at a 1000 miles an hour with a zillion different deliverables, bills, and responsibilities racing through it... no wonder every one keeps lamenting the loss of their childhoods..
sigh... anyway life is other wise ok.. new horizons to explore.. new things to learn. Allah Mian keeps life interesting.. Inshallah he shall keep me and my loved ones safe from all harm and keep all negativity and evil as far away from us as possible.. inshallah..
cheerios dudes n dudettes
Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity