i was depressed the other day and i went googling my name on the web... i do that to give my existence some substance every now and then.. while i know my "google name" is "fariha gemworld".. but sometimes i just like seeing what else is out there and just google "fariha"..
so i came across farsQuest which is another fariha and she was talking about her fathers bday on april 1st. i think all farihas are inherently happy.. its because our name means happy..
but sometimes as ive said before in my blog numerous times, happiness comes at the cost of numbness.. you just refuse to acknowledge certain things in life.. the down side is you start forgetting alot in your efforts not to remember ..
i looked back today on some of the aprils gone by... april 2004 was the first one.. the one where i'd just moved to lahore.. and our wee small office had just 24 ppl in it.. My life as an office was one of the most hilarious blogs and even now i get a smile on my face when i go through it...
April 2005 was just me venting for one reason or the other... it was right before i was getting married so i guess the stress factor was a little on the high side..
april 2006 my father passed away & life came to a standstill...
After that ive just spent all my time missing him ... so much so that there isnt an april 2007..
circle of life :)..
Princess of the GemWorld
GoogleName: Fariha GemWorld
Blogspot: http://gemworld.blogspot.com
MSN Space: http://gemworldfars.spaces.live.com/
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