today is april 11th.. 2 years to the day my father passed away on 12 rabiulawwal in 2006.. it had been a quiet day. i'd gotten to the LNH hospital room where he had insisted on spending the night at around noon.. the night before he had been instructing the attendant chap on how to clean the air conditioning filter to optimize electricity usage.
khala & johnny mamu & shahid mamu had just finished feeding him a nice home cooked meal.. i had brought home made chinese but he had just finished eating & looked happy.. but he'd started fading in and out. and he knew it.. he called me over.. asked about china.. told me to look after ami.. asked me to tune the TV to national geographic.. asked about the DHA papers.. and finally slipped into a sleep by around 2pm.. i heard him breathing.. it was labored.. i prayed as i sat there on the sofa next to the bed.. and then after some time i felt as if i couldnt hear him breathing any more.. i went over to check with trepidition and leaned close and suddenly he took a breath ... but it was like he took it in ... but i thought it was ok.. and he was fine.. and i sat back down..
that was my fathers last breath ...
i had witnessed the end of my fathers circle of life and i will always cherish and be grateful to Allah mian for how peaceful he made abu's passing.. i will always be grateful that i was there with him.. i will always be grateful for every living breathing moment i had with him.. and i will never ever ever forget abu.. i love him forever and always...
as did so many others.. i pray to Allah mian that i get to be with abu in heaven even if its a different level.. im trying to live my life with positivity & joy and to make sure that i do all thats right so i can have a chance of having my father with me once again..
i love you abu.. forever and always...
GoogleName: Fariha GemWorld
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