Sunday, January 11, 2004

Sunday Blues

No not really... ive had one helluva lazy weekend.. usually mum used to throw everyone outta their beds by 8am on any holiday and we had the family breakfast at 9 or so.. it used to be a really nice family breakfast... omelettes & toasts, sometimes parathas and fried eggs.. loads of good stuff ... its a tradition which has somehow become lost in the flurry of activity surrounding us now.

Mostly no one wants to have a heavy breakfast anymore. but its something i miss. My nana always used to say, "a family that eats together.. stays together". I can still remember all those summer vacations we spent at Nana Nanis house.. lunch and dinner used to be in nana nanis room.. with a dastarkhwan laid out in the middle of the room... all of us kids assembled together.. A/cs running (karachi summers are no joke).. the food all laid out on the trolley... and to this day i can vouch for the fact that my NANIS THE WORLDS BEST COOK...

i miss that. i miss those summers when all my cousins used to come down from everywhere... me from wherever we were posted at that time... my aunts kids from NY(3 - 2 girls n a boy).. and my uncles kids(2 boys) who lived in karachi year round.. the 6 of us went through most of our metamorphosis's together...

we were sooo dramatic.. *nostalgic smile.. We could start off playing house by making tents with nanos bedsheets and end up homeless & hungry and hunted by aliens.. Once... and i remember this vividly... we started out by using the sheets to make gowns (only the girls:) and it evolved into some black magic involving british monarchy soap opera... I KID YOU NOT.. freaking Prince Andrew was in there somewhere alongside the witches and the Hair dresser... yeah there was a hair dresser.. Apparently that was a pivotal role. I think thats where Prince Andrew came and hit on my cousin.. i recall being very happy at the prospect of having royalty in the family :)

One summer the six of us decided to launch a detective agency.. because well people really needed detective agencies y'know:)... so with lots of fanfare initially just the four of us (excluding my uncles 2 coz they had their own house in karachi, and hence were less infected with our certain brand of youthful lunacy)... lauched the Peaky Sneaky Frightening Four.. Slogan: Whenever you need us, we're at your door!

Then along came the other two and we had to induct the two new members into the agency, which kinda threw a wrench in our naming convention. Exercising great creative genius we renamed the agency "Peaky Frightening Sneaky Six". Please note the use of similarly starting alphabets on the last two words for a more melodious rendition of the brand name :)

That option however did not lend itself fluidly enough to our advertising campaign, so we went back to the drawing board and re-christened ourselves.... "The Sixers". Sounding more like a cricket team than a detective agency, but everyone was happy. We made advertising signage, employee badges, alias's were assigned, the Agency HQ had to be shifted out of the doghouse under the garage staircase to the gallery leading up to the roof.. (The doghouse had space limitations)... I believe we had one conflict that day, when one of our newly inducted members threw off his badge in a quitting fit... Major issue there.. I mean you cant be the SIXERS and only have 5 members.. then you turn into the Fivers or something... I recall having to think up alternate names "just in case" we couldnt convince our errant employee to reconsider his stance in the greater interest of the company branding.

:) we were deeply nuts... and i am happy to say, things havent changed much :)

Sighhhh... those were the Paul Family summer vacations..

* signing off now ... going to try and reinstate the family breakfast...

Princess of the GemWorld

I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p

Copyright © Fars - FS 2004

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