I will never ever stop thinking about him. I will never forget. I miss him today as much as I did three years ago. I had a flash back yesterday night where I relived everything in the last 4 days down to watching him take his last breath. I will never ever forget. Allah has blessed us a thousand times over. May he grant us a place in heaven with Abu.
Princess of the GemWorld ... ** Wanderlust..** Fariha's Thoughts of the Day... My take on life as i grudgingly trudge through it... Milestones : Being Born, Given Name: Fariha Shah, Basic MindSet: Army Brat, AlmaMater: CBM College of Business Management, Professional Qualification: MBA, Philosophie de la vie (on good days): Life is like an icecream cone, enjoy it before it melts!, Philosophie de la vie (on bad days): Life Sucks & then you die!, Personal Conviction: Life is for the Living...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Reminiscences – Thank you GemWorld
I was going through my old blogs and I got to Tuesday, March 16, 2004 (Blog... thy will be done... http://gemworld.blogspot.com/2004_03_01_archive.html) to the part where I am talking about how my nana taught me to ride a bike in
Say Goodbye - 20th Dec 2003
Say good-bye to not knowing when
The truth in my whole life began Say good-bye to not knowing how to cry You taught me that… |
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Birthdays and bashes
:) at the ripe old age of what I have turned today … sigh.. I will eventually get around to saying it out loud but for now I will refrain.. it leaves a lot to look to forward as against earlier expectations. When I was younger the milestones were different. When I was 5, 1st grade was a big deal. When I was in 3rd grade, 5th grade seemed really far off. When I was 12, 13 was miiiiles away. When I was in 8th grade, 10th grade girls were fully grown adults. When I was 14, 16 was supposedly the epitome of existence. And then I turned 16 and it… well I mean ok so I started inter and went to college but it wasn't really SUCH a big deal. Anyway at 16, (you got it!) 18 was the next big thing and then it came and went. In retrospect it may have been a big deal in the sense it was my first birthday with (ohmygoodness) boys in it.. much to the dismay of my dearest darlingest Abu :) who couldn't quite understand the need for that :) .. I miss him sooo much. Anyway at 18, 20 didn't seem like a big deal. In fact I think I used to forget how old I was once I passed 18 quite frequently. And I still do :) lol. Maybe I never moved beyond that 18-yr-old mindset. I'd to think that I did though. I'd like to think that I've grown. But when my 2-yr old tells me to "stop it" while waving her adorable little finger in my face, usually when I have done something not quite right in her adorable little point of view, I don't really feel very old at all. I feel small and silly. I guess each individual human mind reaches a plateau at a certain point in their lives. That's the height of your emotions & creativity. That's when your learning is accelerated and your sensitivities are heightened. That's when you feel so much that you feel you can burst and you write these long emotional dialogues to yourself that you want the whole world to read and marvel over. Its when you want the fame, the recognition, the appreciation all from external sources because somehow what's inside you just isn't enough. There's this gaping emptiness that refuses to filled, no matter how many friends you have.. no matter how long you talk on the phone.. no matter how many times you blast the music in the car and scream down the seaview boulevard. When it's all over you still come home empty craving for more. I now know that's hormones to reduce it to a biological phenomenon. Its also a deep inner impulse that drives all those who haven't been taught how to tamp down their emotions and haven't learnt the meaning of "Sacrifice" by the time they have turned 16. Because I know. I know that not all kids were like us. I knew kids who didn't have any issues not screaming away to loud blaring music… I knew kids who didn't have the avenues of entertainment & escape we were exposed to. And I knew that while they missed it, they were peaceful within themselves to an extent because they knew it was a sacrifice for a greater end.. which at 16 seems really far away. Of course we had more fun :) and more funky memories of everything that we grew up in. Memories that when savored on their own without the bindings of what followed and how the future was shaped are very dear and highly enjoyable. Especially if I read my diary :) I had a great literary sense of humor (to blow my own horn). Hats off to our parents, especially my parents, my dear darling adorable wonderful parents, who had the gumption to live through it all with us. The late night pick ups and drop offs that my Abu did, were nothing short of angelic. I love him. I miss him and inshAllah in the end I strive my hardest to have a place with him. Its scary when you think of that chemical biological evolution as being an inevitable part of life. I don't like thinking about it since I now have kids and I remember how excruciating it can be sometimes. Everything just seems more intense when it really isn't. Or maybe as we grow older the passion in us simmers down and finally dies out so we don't feel as much as we used to. Its all better now. You kill some feelings. You come to terms with others. You keep wondering about the rest. But a lot of the acceptance & belonging issues get ironed out by the time you hit 28 because for better or for worse you learn to somehow love yourself. You realize that that's all that you are and that all that you will ever have and hence you need to make the best of it. You stop feeling rejection in the true sense of the word because you have found acceptance within your self and now you know where you belong. I wish I can instill this emotion in my children from when they are 5 onwards so they never have to second guess anything about themselves. I hope my children never have to wonder if I love them; they should KNOW beyond the shadow of a doubt that I do just the way I knew. I hope I can raise them with even stronger values then my own. I hope I can teach them everything my mother and father taught me about honesty & family, right & wrong and I hope that when I guide them they accept my guidance by the grace of Allah. I hope they can achieve the inner calm, constant optimism and a stubborn disregard for anything negative, the way I have, very early on so they never have to go through the bouts of indecision or confusion that we all do. I pray that Allah is kind to them and to us and that we all end up in a truly happy place once our sojourn in this world ends. Ameen. ******************************************************************************************** GoogleName: Fariha GemWorld Blogspot: http://gemworld.blogspot.com MSN Space: http://gemworldfars.spaces.live.com/ |
Monday, August 03, 2009
Belhasa - May 23rd 09 - Old Blog
May 23rd 2009 - Belhasa Driving School
Sitting at the driving school. Just had my assessment and against all odds actually passed. Road test next milestone. Allah khair karey. had a double whammy in terms of diet plan. 1st had an omelette cheese veggie sandwich with tea (dhs 5 only) before the assessment and then to celebrate had a paratha & mixed veggies afterwards (again dhs 5 only). Gotta love this cafeteria. I will now not eat ANYTHING for the rest of the day. Seriously. Heading off now to take care of alot of pending things to dos. Bank, blinds, curtain wall hooks, pediatricians, bells, electric & carpentering stuff. Trying to find someone who can drill a nail into the wall is like trying to find water in this desert. Sigh sigh. And we have a fair amount of nails left to be drilled. Am thinking of buying a drill and doing it all myself. I observed quite closely the first time we managed to get someone to come over for nail drilling. Huge DIY culture here. Very alien to my basic frame of mind although i enjoy the occassional IKEA with instructions. But nail drilling in walls is a bit much.
I have decided to from today put a complete stop on unhealthy food. Which basically means i will starve. I guess there wont be any ramblings after that. Sigh sigh.....
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity
Monday, July 27, 2009
Reminders of Home
The first thing you notice about someone are any similarities they may have to someone else. I’m generally trying to match each new face to which Hollywood actor they match.. (one day I hope to hit the Jackpot with a Brad Pitt lookalike ;) )It’s the overwhelming urge in human beings to categorize into familiar boxes each thing that they come across to kill the fear of the unknown.
So I went to Beirut. And it was nice. Apart from the market dynamics and the socio-economic structure mimicking that of Karachi to certain extent.. with nice office buildings being flanked by rundown highrises housing the relatively less well off.. and a newly built downtown that has risen out of the ashes of the destruction wrought on the city 3 years ago.. the city seemed to have a certain bohemian character. The co-existence of the east and west cultural threads seemed on the surface quite harmonious.. which was interesting.
I saw huge supermarkets, slightly smaller supermarkets, an amazing basketball/football playground that was teeming with children of all ages and sizes and overflowing with energy.. it just brought a smile to your face. I was amazed at how sporty itty bitty little kiddies could be.. all the while guzzling Gatorade :)
The night was quite pleasant in terms of the humidity and the outdoor area of the nice place with very good Lebanese food in Ashrafiyeh. I forget the name of the chaps dad who he had named the place after.. but he had his dads old vintage white mercedes.. aha.. it was called Al-falamanki and all the plates were old and everyone had a different design (as pointed out by my guide for the day) because the idea was that it came from his grandmothers kitchen :).. quite a personable place. The grilled chicken was lovely, the zaater manakeesh was very nice… overall it was a memorable experience. Should have taken a picture of the food..
The clientele ranged from the younger set (relatively :)) to the older set and everyone in between.. One young lady arrived wearing sparkly silver shoes which sparked inquiries amongst her friends “why’d you change your shoes?” .. “we have to go to the budha bar afterwards”.. lol.. and this was not even the weekend..
I missed out on actually walking the streets of downtown Beirut which I have been told is an experience not to be missed. And all my new acquaintances told me I had to come back and actually spend some time just getting a feel of the city.. the coolest part I was told about the city was that in the winters you can go to the beach and an hours drive later you can go skiing in the mountain.. how cool is that!!
So that was that.. an interesting and enlightening travel experience. The gist of it is, no matter where you go, you're always searching for home.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sandwiches & Tea

the Belhasa Driving School Cafeteria i mentioned in Realm of the Desert with the empty plate and cup signifiying the only remains of my 6 dirham sandwich and tea combo. i was just telling my cubicle mate at work about the delicious toasted egg n cheese omelette sandwich with fresh coleslaw and frenchfries INSIDE the sandwich :) and a piping hot cup of sweet tea at the Belhasa cafeteria. The taste of food is inversely propotional to how much you've paid for it. i have yet to have horrible tasting free food. somehow thats never happened. i think the euphoria of having free food masks any negative aftertastes.
anyway.. i will now endeavor to snap silly pictures of inanimate objects and share the visual experience..
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p
Copyright © Fars - FS 2004 to inifinity
Monday, June 22, 2009
a late blog
i wrote the below blog last week.
Then Allah mian sent me lots of blessings. so there i was feeling all alone. and sad and forgotten. and then me fwiend anie called me up and said lets do a girls morning out.. movie and breakfast. and my hungry little tummy jumped for joy.. :)
so saturday morning bright n early at 10:30am amidst protesting husbands we set out on our girls only outing bursting with excitement and joy uncontained. and it WAS FUN.
first we hopped over to Ibn-e-Batuta and saw 17 Again which my hubby wouldnt have watched like ever. both anie and i love silly high school movies :) im so happy. and then we came out all teary eyed at the grand finale sigh sigh and went to this totally adorable cafe restaurant called The LimeTree. was slightly expensive in my opinion but the eggs florentine was nice and the chocolate cake was very nice too. my vanilla chai was below expectations but i shouldve investigated that.
i will return to try the caramelised banana pancakes with maple syrup.. yummmmy... and we talked and talked and talked.. something we hadnt done for sooo long.. :) i came home happy.
then i installed the webcam and showed hareem shareem the blinds in action :) lol.. it was so exciting.
then Pakistan won the T20 Championship and it was the icing on the proverbial doughnut lol.. we had doughnuts at work to celebrate courtesy insights :)
and i spoke to Geet and Sara and Hareem and Anie and smsd Als and it was so great. and today a dear friend is visiting and another dear friend is planning to visit sometime this year inshAllah :) future joy.. .MashAllah...
All the good stuff is nearly making me forget the slight back pain i have developed as of yesterday afternoon between my shoulder blades accompanied by tingling sensations up and down my spine. the hypochondriac in me is imagining the worst. hmmm..
may Allah mian keep us all in his protection and favor and bless us and our nation with peace, health & prosperity. its been a long time coming..
joy to the world :)
it feels like theres noone left in the world. Theres no one to call. No one to make plans with. No one to go to a nice restaurant with. I feel alone yet at the same time i have no time to be alone. Its wierd. There has descended a complete lack of feeling other than spontaneous frustration upon my being and i can lay the blame at alot of doors but not at Allah mians. Hes trying to give me lots to be happy about. And i am to a large extent. I just want to feel like ive made it. U know. Like inspite of all the negativity and the questions and yes even my own lack of drive, i want to believe that inspite of me ive made it. is that possible?
Friday, June 19, 2009
a morning walk
its funny. i remember writing an essay on the same topic in 10th grade. :)
so i got up at 5:50am in the morning and decided to go for a walk.
For a change, i decided to go to the big lake. it was looking pretty. the sun was just rising over the horizon. it hadnt gotten hot yet. i started walking keeping my pace slow so i could enjoy the experience. tried catching the grassy aroma of fresh grass but my olfactory lobes felt a little slow. did manage to catch wiffs of natures smells here and there, some flowers, fresh leaves. but it wasnt overwhelmingly fresh like briarcliff.
there were the beautiful white flowers with yellow centres growing on the trees. the sort that were in nanas garden in 2B link avenue. i used to collect those in plates while i was younger :)
saw a sign for a garage sale from 8am to 10am today with books and toys. thinking of going. hmmm...
there was this nice old gentleman walking who said "morning" as we crossed. i responded in kind. there was this special comeraderie between us "morning walkers" :) i had seen him around the small lake a couple of days ago at around the same time :) i have a "morning" friend lol.
there were very few people on the walkway in the morning. and it was nice and serene as i waslked by peeking into peoples back yards looking at the peices of their lives lying outside telling a story. suddenly i heard a hello in a little voice and i looked up at a lawn and there was a little girl, about 4 years old sitting on her bicycle giving me a huge crinkle eyed smile :) i smiled back and went on my way..
i passed this other old gentleman who looked from our part of the world and reminded of nana so badly i had a latent urge to suddenly turn back and hug him. kept thinking of nana standing there in this white vest and shorts surveying the garden as he did every morning and tending to his roses and other plants.
near the end of the track after i had walked the ENTIRE very very long width of the big beautiful lake,i came to a point where the ducks had come out of the lake and were walking around trying to dry themselves off. they wagged their feathery little tails lol and looked so cute and adorable. i wished i had raiyna with me and my camera. she wouldve gotten a total kick out of it.
finally i made my way back home and started writing every thing i had been thinking on my walk that i would share and suddenly i heard a door knob turning upstairs and a slightly weepy "ami".. rushed up the stairs to find a sleepy head Raiyna on the 1st step of the stair case so now shes in my lap relaxing while i type this out :)
its been a good morning :)
Princess of the GemWorld
GoogleName: Fariha GemWorld
Blogspot: http://gemworld.blogspot.com
MSN Space: http://gemworldfars.spaces.live.com/
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
another day another cookie
i had one cup of tea and i saw cookies being taken into another room. i wanted cookies. i didnt get those cookies (nice cadbury ones). i did however get a shortcake cookie from a good samaritan. so now im happy.
GoogleName: Fariha GemWorld
Blogspot: http://gemworld.blogspot.com
MSN Space: http://gemworldfars.spaces.live.com/
Monday, May 11, 2009
Realm of the Desert
I feel the urge to blog again. But i am undecided whether the expression should be limited to GemWorld or should there be a parallel expression on facebook. I don't use facebook that much. I had actually stopped feeling alienated in life after my daughter was born and so lost my urge to expel my emotions through another medium, but ever since arriving in the maelstrom of this desert, i have felt the urge return with a force. I am feeling the overwhelming need to reach out and have a meaningful conversation with someone and I cant find anyone physically present who wants to listen to me. Everyone here has their own stories to voice and like me no one to voice them to. It's like being surrounded by a cacophony of voices which all merge together to just become meaningless noise since no one can be bothered to pay attention. Its made me feel a bit sad.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Twilight & Other stuff
ive lost my ability to express myself. i think. i used to be quite coherent. i think i should go back to the paper and pen diary so i feel more secure in my self expression. its funny how we all want to be heard and recognized and yet still keep so much of ourselves to ourselves. the fine line is easily blurred.
so i catch up on the trends albiet a little late :) i watched Twilight. it was neat. then i went to the stephaniemeyer.com site and read the draft of Midnight Sun which i hope she finishes soon. it was a good read. then i wasnt sure if the books would be selling here, so i googled and googled till i found a good samaritan who had uploaded the PDFs to all four. Downloaded those. Read through them over the next 3 days. Post that i wanted to compare Twilight with Midnight Sun (soo much better than Twilight - or maybe thats because Edward thinks alot more so you get way more information about him and every one else when you're in his mind). so i did a parallel reading run where i read one chapter of Midnight Sun and then the same chapter in Twilight. when the MS draft finished i just read Twilight to the end. obviously there was the latent interest in the YouTube clips, the articles & photos. But after a week of Twilight Mania, I think I am finally ready to move on. As it is Twilight/Midnight Sun was my favorite book of the series. I dont like triangles. i prefer my romances to contain their complications and their triumphs within the dominion of the two main characters. beyond that it just gets messy.
Anyway, my toplines are.. it a very nice movie. I want to wait for the DVD release now because the print i saw left alot in the dark and i for the life of me couldnt understand why they had to make Robert Pattinson wear such a dark shade of lipstick throughout the movie. i came up with alot of theories like because hes supposed to be drinking blood and all.. but it still didnt make sense. it make watching the whole flick a little weird. i mean no hollywood movie had ever been so in your face with the male lipstick piece. It wasnt until i saw the theatrical trailer on the website :) that i realized that the lipstick part was actually a function of the camera print and not hehe catherine hardwickes fault.. lol.. he actually looks human in the high quality version. so we'll just wait till march i guess to see what the movie actually looks like.
i absolutely love the score. the music spoke to me from the first opening scene down to the very end. Carter Burwell is a musical genius. he made the music speak. it was an alive, vibrating presence throughout the movie. it was like a character by itself with dialogues and emotions. it was unbelievable. so i wondered where the hell can i get the musical score and again google to the rescue. downloaded the entire score piece by piece. hauntingly lovely. sigh.
now i had decided my mania needs to be laid to rest so im going to flip in Shahrukh's latest offering "Rab ne bana di jodi" and offer my peaked mind some regular fast food fare. i had a choice between this, "vicky cristina barcelona" and "Jaane Tu"(in a very good print), but while "Jaane Tu was really tempting, i decided something new was called for.
my felicitations to the cast, crew and creator of Twilight. it must be amazing to watch your visions come to life. Stephanie Meyer must be the worlds happiest person right now. its seriously like breathing life into your dreams for her since the idea apparently came from a dream. Goes to show there is merit in majoring in English :)
GoogleName: Fariha GemWorld
Blogspot: http://gemworld.blogspot.com
MSN Space: http://gemworldfars.spaces.live.com/