Tuesday, March 08, 2005


sometimes i feel overwhelmed by my own planning.. i am a compulsive TTD list maker.. for the layman thats "Things To Do".. if you have a therapist they will tell you that TTD lists are peoples way of making themselves feel selfimportant and useful. the more items you have, obviously the more work you do.. the more ticks you have on the list, the higher your rate of achievement... and if you think im going to make any disparaging remarks about the TTD lists.. dream on babe.. i LIVE by them..

I love the rush of adrenaline when i get to TICK... TICK TICK TICK... its like a small dose of prozac.. ahhh sweet accomplishment... ahhhh... :) sometimes i just put things like "Buy Soap" and feel soooo happy when i accomplish it... :) sighhhhh... life is truly complete at that moment...

Theres so much happening in life all around me that i dont know where to start. there was a time when i used to have a daily chronicle of everything that transpired in daily existence.. however i have noticed that the time i was MOST diligent in recording my escapades was when i didnt really have any to write about.. i have had pages and pages filled with TV show dialogues (War of the Worlds, Sydney, Mash) and its hilarious.. i love re-reading them cause those were massively happy, hair-not-white times.. and i miss those dammit... I think i have 15 white hair now.. sighhh... age creeps up on you without so much as a by-your-leave.. its sad. it should be taught some manners. humph..

i want a tissue ka lehnga... i cant find nice tissue here... i saw really nice tissue in all these magazines but apparently its all from across the border.. sigh.. i love shiny sparkly stuff :) glitter glitter sparkle sparkle.. i'm the kind of person who would use glitter glue to seal official mail..

Maybe i can get a glittery paint for my room... oh WOW.. that'll be the coooolest.. i leeeoouuuvve glittery shiny sparkly stuff... yessirree do..

Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p

Copyright © Fars - FS 2004

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