Friday, September 30, 2005


thats what my brain feels like. pure unadulterated, beyond thelimits of solidity mush!!

its sad. on my tombstone they can have the following:
Here lies mush ! not worth much!

i feel like crap. or whatever crap must feel like. thats what i feel. argh. that was a very polite argh. i didint even put much effort behind it. but thats the summarization of my current state of mind i want to run away to some remote tropical island with internet & room service & life will be great. thats the way it should be. life should be one long stay on a tropical island with a shopping mall.

if i cud somehow also get a mall there to do window shopping in life wud be perfect.

im not happpy. im off

Princess of the GemWorld
I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p

Copyright © Fars - FS 2004

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

sometimes its all cramped

Sometimes things are just cramped.. like right now. time is cramped. work is cramped. the mind is cramped. the body the soul.. everything just wants to stretch and work out the kinks. Maybe i just need more back support.

hmm... i dunno. somtimes i just feel like.. i dunno.

its not that i lack direction. i have it. in my mind. theres a beacon of light shining out in the right direction or what i believe is the right direction.

Sometimes i just sit here & mentally tick off all the things i want to do. somehow things keep getting added as soon as i tick something off. is it that way with everyone.

The other day i was watching tv and someone was talking about how some people shouldnt even have blogs cause its a waste of web space. well .. bugger off man.. if we want to waste webspace thats our prerogative and no one told you to read our shit anyway.

i admit alot of things in life seem like a monumental waste of time. But seriously, sometimes its the little things that make things worthwhile.. i dont know what direction life is supposed to take. I just know that right now im happy and content to an extent and i think thats the most that we can expect at any given point in time.

My credit cards are mostly paid up. Im not in debt.. i dont have any loans.. so im happy and free. i also have no assets to declare on my wealth statement. i dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing. not sure.
as long as it makes filing tax returns easy i have no issues.

Just saw the Reema movie. What a piece of bullshit. the so-called husband should have been shot drawn & quartered and fed to the dogs at the end of it. what sort of bullshit eastern morality was she trying to preach to women. no matter what kind of a piece of shit you've married you need to worship the ground he walks on and forgive all his indiscretions, which in this case included marrying her for her money while he was having an affair with her friend, having an affair with the secretary, having an affair with the friend after being married, trying to frame her for murder and taking all her money... thats just half of it.

i seriously think the female film makers in Pakistan need to BORROW brains if they dont have them themselves before they shovel out shit like this to the masses. and then we wonder why Pakistan is portrayed as a nation where women's rights are a laugh. with this kind of portrayals, they are a laugh.

I think the film industry in Pakistan should be shut down so we can all bid adieu to all this continuous bullshit streaming out of its silly ass doors.

*deep breath.. that felt good.

Anyway, lifes ok. im debt free and ironing out some misbilling issues. once thats done, im truly debt free. thats all from my end. whats up at yours.

some days ago it was shab-e-mairaj. i got some messages. cool. thats the night when Allah mian decides who lives who dies and what you go through in the coming year. here's praying its all good and 2006 is a happy and contented year for all of us with the least amount of upheavals. heres hoping the industry prospers, the GDP grows and we all get raises. heres hoping telecom rates further decrease, laptops become more affordable and air travel becomes cheap. heres hoping we can all be with our loved ones all the time especially when they need us no matter where in the world they may be.. heres hoping the world becomes free and oppression is laid to rest and leaders start working for the people..

heres hoping we have hope..

Princess of the GemWorld

I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p

Copyright © Fars - FS 2004