Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Somethings never change. The constant state of desire in the human condition... for wanting more.. wanting better... wanting things it can not have...

Its a constant. That's the main impetus behind the economic cycle. The fact that no matter where one stands, one still looks ahead.. far far ahead.

The same train of thought applies to nearly all other aspects of the human life. Which really begs the question... why isn't it ever enough???!!!

Why do people want a new model of a car every year with their salivary glands going into over drive over the curve of the bumper or the shade of the leather seating? Why do we always want to try out something new... someone new... what's the driving force behind the constant need for renewal embedded within the human psyche.. ?

Isn't life difficult enough? We search and scrounge around for light years to find balance in the force. We stumble and fall and learn and grow. We instill in ourselves certain ideals and values that we strive to live life by... yet at some stage or another... we question everything!

We can even debate whether white is truly white, and what is black exactly. We can convince ourselves that a little flex here and a little bend there is not noticeable in the greater scheme of things and really if it doesn't hurt anyone, does it really count?! We can talk ourselves into endeavors of mortal danger or of mortal stupidity. But the crux of it is, the human mind is capable of anything!

 It can be convinced about becoming unconvinced on ideals it had held for centuries within seconds of being shown a strong enough argument. It can be convinced to try heretofore forbidden things under the guise of "it doesn't really count if its just once". It can go bungee jumping! And that  I can certify to! Been there, done that! (dusting imaginary dust off of my shoulder with a self admiring smirk on my face:) )

But.. ooof.. seriously!? Where does it end? And why doesn't  it end?

Is there any point in time where we feel fully content and not frustrated with the world at large? Is there a future where we just simply lie back and not want more than what we have... where the attractions and temptations of the here and now stop appealing to our souls? Is nirvana achievable without *ahem*, *ahem* and rock'n'roll? :)

Cross roads.... only time will tell.

Princess of the GemWorld

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