Friday, December 23, 2016


I'm awake. But i dont like it. I want to go back to numb sleep. I realize i've been numbly sleeping for a long time. It's nice.. and painless. Awake is a whole different ballgame.

All of a sudden i'm feeling. Sometimes the feeling supercedes the need to breathe. Then the brain screams.. and the lungs expand. My mind is not the issue. Its the physical realm. It's trying to suck me in.. trying to dig it's sharp claws into my weak weak flesh.. it couldn't do that while i was asleep. Now i'm awake and vulnerable.. open to suggestion.. to the temptation of experiencing something new.. like a new taste.. a new flavor. Its the peak of existence come to collect its dues. Today we stand at the fork.

The fork is presented mid life. Its when u choose.. you choose a realm. You choose between the celestial and the physical.. between the unseen vs. the seen.. between belief and physical reality. The choice is not clear or easy. Either faith wins or fact. Its never both.

And no matter what path you choose to tread.. the sacrifice is always soul shattering. The sacrifice demands blood of the heart or the soul.. but blood shall flow.. it shall be spilt. The tears are mandated. It's a rite of passage. And the Almighty silently watches.

He's watching to see whether our love for him, our faith in his heaven.. whether that can stand the test of time.. whether we safeguard our souls for his hereafter.. or do we finally reject all that we have learnt about heaven and hell and judgement and forgiveness and just focus on the here and now and instant gratification.

It seems black and white doesnt it. You've obviously never heard a hip hop song and swayed to its beat 😊 life is so beautiful.. a kaleidescope of mesmerising colors.. shapes.. textures.. sounds.. tastes.. all you have to do is reach out and touch it.. one touch.. one taste..
"Twas grace that brought me here thus far... and grace will bring me home.. "

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