Tuesday, March 23, 2004

The Fight to Live...

Didnt feel like writing anything.. so something old..

***** The Fight to Live *****

I walk,
through the desert,
of my life.
The heat,
The sand,
The hot, hard sun
are the only realities
of my wayward life.
The zephyrs blow,
across the sand,
Tears fill my eyes,
as i dream about my land;
Once fertile and lush,
Yet now,
scarred and burned -
a charred skeleton
of its former self.

I wander through the haze,
a neverending maze,
of the sand dunes soft.
Yet i know
the softness is deceptive
disguising the scorching sand
with an inviting glow,
while burning its prey,
with the molten heat.

I stumble,
I fall,
Yet I find the strength
to rise again.
I've retained hope,
even through my shattered illusions...

Suddenly i see,
through the sand in my eyes,
a flower sprouting,
in this great valley of death.
It's fragile head,
lolling against the weak stem.
Yet it survives;
I can't believe my eyes.

A magical miracle,
in a land where sand swirls,
with a blinding fury,
an innocent flower unfurls,
it's gentle petals,
and strives to survive,
in the maelstorm of anger,
into which it was born.
A child unprotected,
in a barbaric land.
I find new purpose in my life,
for the preciousness of life,
is revealed to me,
It's power,
It's strength,
It's indomitable will....
And now I know I was sent
to nurture this miracle,
to ensure its survival...

For Death is inevitable..
One day claiming us all..
But the secret of life
Lies within us....
....The struggle to survive..
....The Fight To Live!

April 4th 1994

Princess of the GemWorld

I dare to dream... so sue me.. :p

Copyright © Fars - FS 2004

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